Indiana Governor Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - -
"Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed into law on Thursday a measure that allows businesses to turn away gay and lesbian customers in the name of "religious freedom." The bill has sparked an uproar among gamers and church groups that hold their conventions in Indianapolis and businesses that are threatening to pull out of the city." - Steve C, Team Marina
Are you fucking kidding me Indiana? Jesus mother fuckin christ the US is fucked up. Please note I have strong feelings about this. - Steve C, Team Marina
This is disgusting. - Soup in a TARDIS
I had a much longer comment but realized that it boiled down to "I don't understand and probably never will." - CAJ was here
Thing that blows my mind about this? Is that it wasn't Oklahoma. We've got our share of bigots in the state legislature, but they haven't managed to get anywhere with their version of this bill. - Kirsten loves you
There is already precedent that businesses can't/shouldn't reject customers because of sexual orientation, so this stupid bill WILL get overturned. - Back to just Joe
How is this consitutionally legal? - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
It isn't. In CO, I think both a wedding cake maker and a wedding photographer have tried to deny service (different cases) and the gay couples won their cases. I need to look them up for more deets. - Back to just Joe
Many of us here aren't happy. Unfortunately, the state has been gerrymandered in ways that makes voting the asses out very difficult. - Katy S
It would be super easy to get them out if a Jewish or Muslim owned business denied Christians service. - Heather
So very sad to see this happening; I just cannot comprehend it on so many levels. - Jen