Mom and Grandma have conspired to teach the baby to say "ma ma." Which has actually worked he now says "ma ma" to everything. The cat, the table, food and drink, dad, mom, grandma, the mailman, the stroller. All are known as "ma ma" or "ma ma ma ma ma ma ma" with an occasional click thrown in to to honor African roots i guess.
Thanks to my father my first word was "potato." He apparently stood over my crib for hours and hours repeating it again and again. - Soup in a TARDIS
Next thing to teach him is "NOT THE MAMA". - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
My sister's first word was "tiger" because I did what soup's dad did. She immediately forgot it a day or two later, and didn't say anything else for another month. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Be forewarned: there may come a time in this kid's life when you regret ever having taught him to walk or talk. ;-P - Anne Bouey
I feel that way about some of my coworkers Anne ^ - Steve C, Team Marina
How does the saying go? You spend the first part of their life teaching them to walk and talk and the rest of it telling them to sit down and shut up? ;-) - CAJ was here