Ohhh my all time coolest brush with celebrity heroes, even though I've lived less than an hour from Hollywood a good portion of my life, was on FF. The Iain Baker from Jesus Jones rocked my FF world. :)
It's his fault I joined FF. - Gabrielle
Gabrielle knows. - Steve C, Team Marina
Also, Iain got me beer when I was underage. :) Sounds so much worse than it is. I just needed a beer! - Gabrielle
Now I can't stand the bastard, where's my beer???? - Steve C, Team Marina
hahahahahahaha - Iain Baker
🍺 - Micah
Micah to the rescue! - Anne Bouey
Now if Eddie Vedder would join FF before it closes me life would be complete. :) Thanks for being a good human Iain as well as a rock god. Watching your family grow was wonderful. - Steve C, Team Marina
Cheers Steve - Iain Baker