I'm out of wine, the new couch came with a hole in it after a 90 day order wait, the kid pooped on the new carpet (thanks antibiotics) and the eel escaped the tank. Did I mention I'm out of wine. (insert whine joke here)
"The eel escaped the tank" *politely looks away* - Marie
Yeah I lost it on that part. I'm sorry, Steve. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Grandma helping with the baby freaked out at the eel. I should probably stop there this isn't helping my cause. :) - Steve C, Team Marina
Maybe Grandma needs to hang on to the baby while you run to the store for some wine. - Kristin
Make sure the eel is back in the tank before you leave the house maybe? - bentley
He's back in the tank it was a bit of a "hmm" then an "oh sh*t" moment cleaning the tank. "Hmm I don't see the eel anywhere that's odd he ain't small." "Oh sh*t I don't see the eel anywhere he's not small." There he was wiggling under the dining room chair. First time in a few years he used to be better at it. :) - Steve C, Team Marina
EEEeeeEEEEEeeeeeEEEEL! - Spidra Webster
I'm sure you didn't find it humorous at the time but the comments here made me laugh. :) - Stephan Planken
New carpet? New couch? I assume you got wine and shared it with Norine. If not, you're way behind in being that favorite. ;-P - Anne Bouey
Why do you think I'm out of wine Anne, Grandma is sharing with me. :) - Steve C, Team Marina