Once thought lost, Harry Houdini's 'Grim Game' film reappears - LA Times - http://www.latimes.com/enterta...
"It's the kind of magical reappearance that Houdini himself would have appreciated. For years, the only remaining footage of Harry Houdini's 1919 silent adventure thriller "The Grim Game" was a five-minute excerpt of a spectacular plane crash involving some spectacular derring-do from the legendary magician and escape artist. But thanks to the efforts of film preservationist Rick Schmidlin, the complete "The Grim Game" was found last year in the Brooklyn apartment of Larry Weeks, a 95-year-old retired juggler and Houdini fanatic. Weeks, who died late last year, had acquired the only known copy of the film from the Houdini estate in 1947." "The new restoration of "The Grim Game" is having its world premiere at the 2015 TCM Classic Film Festival at the Egyptian Theatre on Sunday evening. Composer Brane Zivkovic will be conducting a live performance of his new score." - Steve C, Team Marina
Oh wowwwwww - Stephen Mack