
It wasn't the film we had dreamed, the film we all carried in our hearts, the film we wanted to make... and secretly wanted to live. - Jean-Luc Godard
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Ep 46: Conversation Round Post-Wicked Eyes Wicked Hearts - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Ep 45: Wicked Eyes Wicked Hearts Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Ep 44: Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Ep 43: Dorian's Backstory - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Ep 42: Clearing Templars Off the Storm Coast - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Ep 41: Picking up Sera's Verchiel Loot - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: How to make the Blu-ray relevant again - http://thedissolve.com/feature...
"I like the DVD copies because I can rip that one and have an unfettered digital copy (I don't have a way to rip Blu-ray). My daughter's Disney Blu-rays come with Blu-ray, DVD, and digital copy, but the digital copy is copy-protected and restricted to certain apps. Some of her Disney movies came with Amazon digital copies, some with iTunes, so to get all her movies we own visible in the same place, I rip the DVDs and use a media server from our computer to our Xbox One. Otherwise I'm jumping between two or three different apps on the Xbox One so she can choose what she wants to watch. Fringe use case, but yeah. I'm glad they still include DVD copies as well." - Jandy
Re: How to make the Blu-ray relevant again - http://thedissolve.com/feature...
"I haven't read through all the comments, so forgive me if it's been mentioned, but Warner Archive is one of the studio imprints that does a tremendous job. They do DVD on Demand and not a lot of special features, but every disc uses an excellent print, they do deep dives into Warner's 1920s-1950s catalog, they use original poster art from a time when original poster art really was art, and their customer service/understanding of social media is unmatched. They launched a streaming service last year with a ton of great obscure content, and when I had issues getting it to work on my Roku, they literally set up a special testing version just for me and sat on the phone with me testing it, and they got it fixed even though I was apparently the only one reporting this particular bug. Those guys are incredible. I wish the other studio DVD on Demand imprints were handled as well. They're starting to branch into Blu-ray, and those discs are not pressed on demand, and do usually have some..." - Jandy
Elsewhere: Billy Wilder and More Billy Wilder - http://www.the-frame.com/2015...
Re: Rewatching the Filmography: Sabrina - http://www.the-frame.com/2015...
"Yeah, I wish I had a better answer for why I can't forgive things in this that work for me in other classic films. Maybe it just comes down to Bogart and Holden not being able to sell me on it this time around. I didn't know this when I wrote this, but apparently they originally wanted Cary Grant for the Bogart part. That might've worked better, though I think in that case, her falling for Holden instead at first would've been even harder to believe." - Jandy
Watch This: First and Final Frames - http://www.the-frame.com/2015...
Elsewhere: I was interviewed on Polygamer! - http://www.the-frame.com/2015...
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Ep 40: The Western Approach - The Still Ruins - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Ep 39: The Western Approach - Liberating Griffon Wing Keep - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Ep 38: Taking the Throne of Judgement - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
The Roundup: March 13, 2015 - http://www.the-frame.com/2015...
Re: The Rock Band Zeitgeist: Does Anybody Still Care About Plastic Guitars? - http://www.pastemagazine.com/article...
"I was pretty gung-ho on the idea of the Pro Guitar, but when RB3 came out I could barely afford the game itself (with the keyboard, which I HAD to have since I play piano in real life), so the Pro Guitar got put on hold. By the time I could have afforded it, they had just about discontinued it and they were hard to find. I should say, I was set on the third-party one with the actual strings that actually could be used as a real guitar, too (not the one with a gazillion plastic buttons). I'm still a bit disappointed I missed out on that completely. That said, I am actually excited about RB4 coming to Xbone, not least of all because I can't wait to see my daughter start jamming out in a couple of years. Hopefully they come through on making the existing instruments compatible, because yes. I still have them." - Jandy
Okay, I take back any earlier grumblings about the @tcmfilmfest line-up. This is an incredible set of films. Well done, programmers.
So what’s the difference now between the new Macbook and the Macbook Air?
Also, ARGH, I have to go pick my boss at the airport and have a performance review before I can even LOOK at the @tcmfilmfest schedule.
And so it begins. And by "it" I mean "tearing out hair because of unreconcilable scheduling conflicts." http://filmfestival.tcm.com/program...
Can Lady Sif have her own show? I know she’s coming back to Agents of SHIELD, but I’m just saying.
Thor the Dark World has 66% critic and 79% audience on Rotten Tomatoes. Jupiter Ascending is 25% / 46%. Can not explain.
We’re watching Thor the Dark World right now. There is nothing about this that is inherently less ridiculous than Jupiter Ascending.
RT @journeys_film: I'm raising money for Kristen's Hand Control Fund. Click to Donate: http://gofund.me/o8qgec... via @gofundme
I want to have a Scottish accent. Can I order one of those from http://Amazon.co.uk?
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Emprise du Lion Randomness: http://www.twitch.tv/faithx5...
Just got given a deadline for a Billy Wilder post - two weeks from today. 200 pages to go in the bio I’m reading. Things just got real.
Which bio? - Corinne L
Checking out the Hells Kitchen season opener because there’s a USC chef on it this year. WTF is this jungle opening bullcrap? Really?
Chilled monkey brains on the menu? - Steve C, Team Marina
That said, freaking Jeanne Moreau, am I right? Perfection. Always. #LaNotte
Not the movie’s fault. It’s slow and interior-focused, but I gotta relearn how to watch movies like this.
Tonight @movieguyjon watched Dawn of the PotA. I watched La Notte. I would feel more smug if I hadn’t fallen asleep every five minutes. :(