
It wasn't the film we had dreamed, the film we all carried in our hearts, the film we wanted to make... and secretly wanted to live. - Jean-Luc Godard
Not the movie’s fault. It’s slow and interior-focused, but I gotta relearn how to watch movies like this.
Tonight @movieguyjon watched Dawn of the PotA. I watched La Notte. I would feel more smug if I hadn’t fallen asleep every five minutes. :(
RT @movieguyjon: Actually liked Jupiter Ascending and explained why with @faithx5 on our podcast. Check it! http://apple.co/17TuKdZ http://t.co/NC0Zh4N5eM
Karina has just started saying "uh-oh" and the way she does it is going to kill me with cute. KILL ME. WITH CUTE.
It reminds me of the time, years ago, when I worked at the hospital in pediatric anesthesiology, checking in little kids coming in for surgery. A 2-year-old Colombian boy came in for heart surgery, and he had been staying with a host family for a while. He was playing at rolling toy cars off the coffee table, and every time the cars rolled off the table he exclaimed, in perfect midwestern accent, "UH-OH!" It was adorable. - bentley
On page 286 of 688 of On Sunset Boulevard, by Ed Sikov http://goodreads.com/user_st...
I'm pretty sure "Smurfs-Style Live Action/CGI Hybrid Franchise" is the worst pile-on of terribleness I've ever heard. http://www.themarysue.com/rats-of...
"Ouch, my childhood." - Michael W. May
I forgot Cults released an album after their self-titled. This is good stuff. http://spoti.fi/HelvaT
If we could sing Handel in choir every week I would be happy. So great.
Got two weeks worth of quality linkage in today's Roundup: http://www.the-frame.com/2015...
Watched the Age of Ultron trailer. To be honest, I might just wait for a supercut of all of Black Widow’s scenes.
Back to the books with @matinee_ca - today, two concise but thought-provoking 1930s reviews from William Troy. http://www.the-frame.com/2015...
What Karina’s toy said: "The rug has lots of colors!" What I heard: "The rug has lots of toes!" Sometimes I worry about myself. A lot.
It eats toes. NEVER go barefoot in your house while alone. - Big Joe Silenced
Welp. I guess the church group chose Mansfield Park (1999) instead of North by Northwest. Anybody have a quick book vs film rundown?
Karina can now get the Xbox controller and bring it to me when I ask her to. Finally, all this parenting is paying off!
I remember my dad being pretty excited when I could run to the store for something, and really excited a few years later when I could pick up beer :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
When I was little I would run empty beer bottles to the recycle for my parents. - Heather
HERE WE GO: Jupiter Ascending, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. #TeamJupiter http://www.rowthree.com/2015...
Awesome. I have to see this movie. - Stephen Mack
Well, the entire internet except for this lovely, amazing person: http://sashayed.tumblr.com/post...
It’s a bit rambly, but definitely heartfelt. It’ll be up tomorrow, and then the entire internet is free to disagree with us. @movieguyjon
So….@movieguyjon and I just recorded 45 minutes on Jupiter Ascending. And then talked about it for 10 more minutes. #TeamJupiter
RT @misscarley: My tribute to my favorite movie star, Jean Harlow, born this day 104 years ago. http://theblackmaria.org/2014...
Looks like I'll be hosting North by Northwest for our church's women's group this month. Favorite NxNW trivia?
So I just got this message trying to reload Facebook. WHAT IS GOING ON. http://t.co/agxCZuOg5X
Just found out my MIL will be here during @tcmfilmfest. Take advantage of free babysitting and go to every screening, Y/Y?
It is also possible I've just lost all critical acumen whatsoever. #TeamJupiter @mattmovies @tederick
Just listened to @mattmovies and @tederick on Jupiter Ascending. It's POSSIBLE we saw different movies. #TeamJupiter
Marked as to-read: Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine http://goodreads.com/review...
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] Heading to Emprise du Lion: http://www.twitch.tv/faithx5...
Marked as to-read: My Real Children by Jo Walton http://goodreads.com/review...
Marked as to-read: Plato at the Googleplex by Rebecca Goldstein http://goodreads.com/review...
Marked as to-read: Wearing God by Lauren F. Winner http://goodreads.com/review...
On page 316 of 368 of The Just City, by Jo Walton http://goodreads.com/user_st...
So...Jupiter Ascending. Yep. I liked it. For whatever that is or isn't worth.