Re: The Rock Band Zeitgeist: Does Anybody Still Care About Plastic Guitars? -
"I was pretty gung-ho on the idea of the Pro Guitar, but when RB3 came out I could barely afford the game itself (with the keyboard, which I HAD to have since I play piano in real life), so the Pro Guitar got put on hold. By the time I could have afforded it, they had just about discontinued it and they were hard to find. I should say, I was set on the third-party one with the actual strings that actually could be used as a real guitar, too (not the one with a gazillion plastic buttons). I'm still a bit disappointed I missed out on that completely. That said, I am actually excited about RB4 coming to Xbone, not least of all because I can't wait to see my daughter start jamming out in a couple of years. Hopefully they come through on making the existing instruments compatible, because yes. I still have them." - Jandy