it's getting close, tho. - Big Joe Silenced
Morning Iain! - Stephen Mack
Qufad! - Morton Fox
this is crazy! - Iain Baker
Good morning! - vicster.
If they're using Pacific time, they still have 2 hours. - Morton Fox
Seeing how Facebook's in California, I'd imagine the 00:00 moment will be at midnight PDT. - Akiva
Then they should have said April 10. :p - #cryptic
How far away is midnight PDT? - Melly #FForever
It's too close, that's all I know - Iain Baker
Maybe next morning they'll say, "Hmm. Was there something we forgot to do?" - Morton Fox
Just over 2 hours - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
2:59 am est, 11:59 pst, is my guess. - Friar Will
Just over two hours. - bentley