Iain Baker

Musician (Jesus Jones), DJ (XFM, NME Radio), voiceover artist, skater, cook, proud and contented dad.
I am SO getting one of the ff tees, as well
We're playing Brisbane tonight. I'd forgotten how much I loved this place.
on the peninsula of the SF Bay Area? :) - Ken Gidley
Heh, that'd be awesome. - Stephen Mack
Oooh, i'll do the #AskMeAnything thing. Go on then....
When did you know you had made it? - Eric @ CS Techcast
Kristin, I've always wanted to do this - I can't remember a time when I didn't just want to be in a band. Apart from being a musician, the only other thing I would have done, is worked in a record shop - Iain Baker
Awwwww, damn. This place. just.............THIS PLACE. Y'know?
anyone needs me, i'm *next door*....https://www.facebook.com/iainbak... - Iain Baker
Yes, we know :( - Pea Bukowski
Yes. Yes. - laura x
Totally. Also: http://ff.im/1kTKAv - Meg VMeg
I think the Perfume Genius album might be my record of the year.
Will have to check it out - Steve C, Team Marina
What Steve said. - Tamara J. B.
We're off on tour again! Australia and NZ, March 2015.
Well. - Johnny
Someone needs to tell Val. - Steven Perez
Interesting -re: the catcalling video: https://storify.com/Aut_Omn...
I'll be honest, not once during the first time I watched the video did ethnicity even register to me. Because I've heard all that stuff coming out of mouths of every race, color, and creed so I wasn't even focused on who was doing the talking. Second time I watched it though, I was like "Uh...how are there no white dudes? Was this deliberate?" Yup. Sure was. :-/ - Hookuh Tinypants
This could have had REAL power, but now it's been spoiled by doubts. - Iain Baker
Indeed. :( - Hookuh Tinypants
I just started frying SO MUCH garlic and chilli in a fry pan, I swear i'm hallucinating
What are you cooking? - Corinne L
I get the feeling he just wanted to hallucinate. :P - Hookuh Tinypants
Maybe Typhoon Shelter Crab? ( ex: http://www.flickr.com/photos... ) - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
DAMN! that looks amazing - Iain Baker
Today has been a playdate day for Marnie (it's her half-term week). All seemed to go well. It's nice I can do stuff like this.
It's actually tough being a house husband, and doing playdates, sometimes some of the mums can be a bit suspicious that a guy can manage kids in this sort of situation - you have to work twice as hard to prove yourself - Iain Baker
Good onya, Iain. Sorry the mums are giving you a hard time. - Spidra Webster
The truth behind America’s most famous gay-hate murder | World news | The Observer - http://www.theguardian.com/world...
“The view was that homophobic rednecks walked into a bar and saw an obviously gay man with money and targeted him and beat him to death for that reason,” says Jimenez. “But that isn’t what happened. Nothing in this book takes away from the iniquity and brutality of the crime or the culpability of his murderers, but we owe Matthew and other young men like him the truth." - Iain Baker
Stat of the day; more Americans have been married to Kim Kardashian than have died of Ebola.
BBC News - What happened to England's lost football grounds? - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news...
Love stuff like this! - Iain Baker
Kind of like how home plate at Sick's Stadium in Seattle is now in the middle of a Lowe's store. - Julian
Looks like the FB login is working again. good news. Also, I now have a backup account, in case it all goes wrong again...... - Iain Baker
I think if you add an email account to this account you should be safe if things go wrong again. - lris
I've tried that, but it never works :( - Iain Baker
Diego Costa - the buy of the season.
He's been insane! Nothing but goals. - kendrak
Amazing. If his hamstrings hold out, player of the season, by a mile. - Iain Baker
He's helping my fantasy league team. - Brent Schaus
Oh boy, this weekend has been FULL of cooking. A vat of tomato sauce, some cheese sauce, a ragu, apple crumble, and a pot roast chicken (with all the trimmings). My fridge is sorted, for the next few days.
Sunday morning. Listening to Hall & Oates' "Abandoned Luncheonette". If there's a better Sunday album, I'd really like to know what it is.
Cooking Pho. Listening to Nick Drake.
Pogo would be all over that. He LOVES pho. - Gabrielle
Why is it so hard to gauge how much dried pasta to cook for the kids?
Leftovers are my thing, I just love getting something out of nothing. - Iain Baker
I just made a Cauliflower Cheese, that absolutely RULES
I'm listening to a lot of Barclay James Harvest today. I'm struggling to think of anyone more uncool.
OK, I might as well give it a try. https://ello.co/iainbaker
Time for my other life to rear its head. I'm off on tour with the band today, for 10 dates around the UK. Tech all sorted, rusty songs rehearsed, all the logistics in place. Time to hit the road, and rock!
Have a great time! - Anne Bouey
Enjoy! \m/ >.< \m/ - LB &lt;3s Micah Sweetie
Need to get out on my bike, but i'm SO TIRED. I've only actually been awake for three hours, and Ijust want to go back to bed. How does that work?
Ah, I've had that happen before. Hard to power through. - Spidra Webster
Is the bookmarklet b0rkmarkletted? *sigh*
Pink Floyd – Summer '68 - 2011 - Remaster - http://www.last.fm/music...
YES! i love this song. - Big Joe Silenced
Dudes, I am totally going over to Plurk, and I am going to post something. This is going to RULE. I will report back, with tales of extreme awesome.
Damn, that sucked about a thousand different types of balls as yet undiscovered by science - Iain Baker
Plurk is for knitters! - Meg VMeg
Long, tiring fathers day - but worth every crazy second.