OK, I know they say they've shut it down. And it's still going. We know they've stopped accepting signups - so could they just be allowing whoever is left, to just sort of....run out of steam? And then, if it ever falls over again (pretty likely I guess) they'll just not bother to re-up it?
Probably. - Anne Bouey
That may be the case. - John (bird whisperer)
The thought did cross my mind too. - Micah
so it's not dead per se? - Halil
So, what does FF run on these days? Are there actually some physical servers crammed in a corner of Facebook's data center somewhere? - Jason in #FFurgatory
I guess I see it as - "it's closed". No new people, no effort, no activity to help it. However, there are people still inside, and they can do what they like! - Iain Baker
If that's the case, can we all start to relax and breath? - Halil
Well - why not? We're on borrowed time - but, it's time. It's life. Who knows when ff will end, just like you never know your own lifespan. It's better that way. Leaves you free to focus on the now. - Iain Baker
Damn, I sound like a self-help book you buy in an airport :((((((( - Iain Baker
Who Moved My FriendFeed- Iain Baker - Pete's Got To Go
Focus on the #MOW - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Oh damn, Pete, that would have been a much better title for my C&I essay. (Except that mine was as much about LSW as about FriendFeed.) Now, if we can talk FB into having a janitor or somebody restart FF when it does eventually keel over ("whap the server on the side"), without actually spending money on it, it could go on for quite some time. - walt crawford
googling LSW only brings up pics of guns and I'm sure I'm getting flagged each time, lol, so what does it stand for? - Halil
So I can stop to backup the feed every five minutes cough cough (but I won't know when to do the last one. Well maybe I will relax :D) - Pea Bukowski
Great. Now it'll remain up until we all die. - Morton Fox
hi morton - thomas morton ☢
alternatively ff has become like Captain Scarlet! https://www.youtube.com/watch... - Halil
For Halil - This be the LSW http://friendfeed.com/lsw [I guess the tag line doesn't say much, it is a bunch of librarians. The Library Society of the World.] - Back to just Joe
What Joe sez. There are other LSWs, but this is the one that's been very active at FriendFeed. - walt crawford
ahh, thanks, so not a gun society! lol, because all I get is light support weapon on google - Halil
This does not mean that there are no gun toting librarians... - Back to just Joe
It's like the trans allegheny lunatic asylum except it's not a museum by the side of the road it's virtual. - Eric Logan