Posted without comment
! - Akiva
Oh man... - rønin
BEST! - Melly #FForever
Well done! - Spidra Webster
For the first time ever, I am not clicking Hide on this image. - Bruce Lewis
Fine. Art. - SAM
The pink tongue.. it just stands out.. - CW
Dude, the finger sticking up at the bottom. - Akiva
The finger sticking up at the bottom. - Akiva
[shakes head, walks away] - Akiva
...that's not a finger... - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
This will never ever ever get old. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Who made this? - Stephen Mack
I made the coloring book page. WoH colored it in. - Spidra Webster
1UP both of ya. - Akiva
Oh! Spidra did the pencils, you were the colorist. - Stephen Mack
Haha, something similar makes an appearance in my 8bit tribute - Mo Kargas
If you want it and can't get into my feed, check out The Coloring Room group. I cc'd it there. I think I also posted it to the FB Friendfeeders room back in the day. - Spidra Webster
I hope someone else colours this, too, because otherwise I guess I win! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Well, you have to color it with actual crayons or markers or colored pencils or paints to really win. ;-p Digital's too easy! - Spidra Webster
You think that was easy? :) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
You take longer with crayons? (Actually, I could have done the coloring book outlines much more easily by hand if that were possible to do.) - Spidra Webster
I think crayons do take longer, but I'm not good with Gimp, so... :) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I had forgotten about this. Uh, thanks? - Andy Bakun
It's like the FriendFeed version of the Game. - Akiva