WoH: Professor MOTHRA

Geek, writer, web TV creator. Find me at http://higletfilms.com and http://worldofhiglet.com and http://mindmybrains.com :) NOTE: M.O.T.H.R.A. agent
RT @lizzwinstead: Is Cracker Barrel starting a #WhiteGenocide dialogue
RT @gensqueeze: Average Canadian student loan totals.1976 compared to today #studentdebt #gensqueeze More at http://www.gensqueeze.ca http://t.co/JVmXb1wnfA
I would take 23,000 in student loan debt in a heartbeat. *looks at current much higher student loan debt statement* - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Compared to the US, Canadian students are doing better. Debt has risen, but at a slower rate than the US. It's still hard to imagine how many students will ever be debt free, and that is just awful. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Save FriendFeed! Why we need niche social networks http://www.infoworld.com/article... //Customisable aggregation, community & so much more #SaveFF
FF will be entering the Carrousel in a few days. At least we have a bit of time to get our affairs in order.
I'm still looking for Sanctuary. - Spidra Webster
BBC News - Kabul mob attack: Women help bury 'wrongly accused' Farkhunda http://www.bbc.com/news...
BBC News - Fossil fuels: Scientists draw up investment principles http://www.bbc.com/news...
David Brooks Is Mistaking Poverty's Symptoms For Its Causes @TPM http://talkingpointsmemo.com/cafe...
Happy Anniversary, @higgymeister! :) 23 years <3
Happy anniversary you two crazy kids! - Spidra Webster
:) Thank you! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
RT @einsteinquuotes: "It is high time the ideal of success should be replaced with the ideal of service."
Influence of Liberation Theology on Critical Pedagogy: https://eariblog.edublogs.org/2013...
Medical expenses often overlooked as tax deductions http://www.cbc.ca/1.1144112
David Graeber: ‘So many people spend their working lives doing jobs they think are unnecessary’ http://gu.com/p/46nzz/stw
Virgin Care among firms with lucrative NHS deals and a tax haven status http://gu.com/p/46p6t/stw //back door privitisation in tooth and claw
My friend breastfed my baby http://gu.com/p/46fyq/stw
LOOK: The most Canadian photo ever http://huff.to/1B91iYv via @huffpostbc
IFS challenges George Osborne over £12bn welfare spending cut plan http://gu.com/p/46ny8/stw
what else did you expect from them? - Halil
Meet the major players of Channel 4's Coalition Mark Gatiss, Bertie Carvel, Ian Grieve and Mark Dexter transform into the men who decided Britain's political fate after the May 2010 election... http://www.radiotimes.com/news... - Halil
WoH, please read 3rd comment on this post http://ff.im/11PRra :D - Halil
BBC News - 'Breathtaking' solar eclipse witnessed by millions http://www.bbc.com/news...
I was lucky enough for a break in the clouds to see the second half of the show. :) - Jenny H.
Bit of a letdown for us in the South of England. If we didn't know there was an eclipse we wouldn't have noticed it. It was very cloudy and all that happened was that it went a little bit darker for a short period. The 1999 one was far more memorable. - Kol Tregaskes
BBC News - Yemen crisis: Dozens die in suicide attacks on Sanaa mosques http://www.bbc.com/news...
:( How atrocious. - Anika
iZombie Is So Good It Makes Us Mad At Other TV Shows http://io9.com/izombie... //Hmmm, maybe one to watch?
Haven't read the piece yet, but YES. iZombie is really good. - Andrew C (✔)
OK, read it now. It's completely right about all the details. - Andrew C (✔)
RT @ejdickson: Why is "vagina" censored on Twitter, but "dick" isn't? @MaryEmilyOHara did some digging to find out: http://www.dailydot.com/lifesty...
People I'm not sure how to find after the purge:
Amit (you have a blog, but will I remember where?) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I'm here: http://friendfeed.com/this-is... but … the kinds of stuff I post here (other than my photos), I don't post anywhere else. I share most of it *only* on FriendFeed, and don't know what I'll do. - Amit Patel
Dang, Amit. And you hit the nail on the head because FF is the only place where I can post this stuff, too. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Racist Shooting Target Chillingly Sums Up the Hostility Facing Black America Today http://mic.com/article... //What the actual...?
At least it's not one of the cheap knock offs... It's the "Official" one. - Johnny
But yeah, no such thing as racism. Not today. *sigh* - Just another Bubba
The uncounted: why the US can't keep track of people killed by police http://gu.com/p/46yzz/stw //Shocking? If only
Look to Mumsnet for new recruits, intelligence agencies told http://gu.com/p/46c4t/stw //Good idea, but not all women are/want to be mums
Missing and murdered: The life and mysterious death of Leah Anderson http://www.cbc.ca/1.2998323 #indigenousmatters
If you remove a service (like Flickr or Twitter) from FF so you can try to get your earlier native FF posts via one of the downloaders, what happens when/if you add them back? Does it put back the old posts, or start again from new?
starts from scratch. - holly #ravingfangirl
That's what I thought. Thanks, Holly. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
The biggest privatisation in NHS history: why we had to blow the whistle | Kate Godfrey http://gu.com/p/46jzk/stw
Great teacher = great results? Wrong | Jack Marwood http://gu.com/p/46yad/stw
Very true. It isn't only the teacher's responsiblity for a child's success in school. - Shevonne
RT @tiff_net: .@hotdocs had a record # of CDN submissions this year - 400+! #HotDocs15 to present 59 CDN productions, co-productions & interactive docs.
RT @cbcnewsbc: "They were close enough that they could nip your feet," says B.C. man who shot video of killer whales feeding frenzy http://t.co/K9dOd0cHvP
Tax season 2015: Where in Canada do you pay the most tax? http://www.cbc.ca/1.2507059