DB, Lil LB's Dad

A simple man trying to live right, act right and make a few people laugh along the way.
Jackson 5 - Never Can Say Goodbye - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Gonna be hard saying good by to FF. For now it's just goodnight. Until tomorrow. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
#CheersFF Some folks drink liquor. I drink water. One more for the road. #FForever
Cheers, DB! - chrisofspades #FForever.
FF has had such a profound effect on my life. It actually changed how I browse the Internet. I sought out and installed a scroll to the top button plugin just to scroll back to the top of my feed faster. Now I use it for literally everything.
#CheersFF No adult beverages in the house so I figured I'd go out with some Papa Johns of recent vintage. See y'all on the other side. Wherever that is. #FForever
Cheers, DB! :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Did she really just say it looks pretty dope in that commercial? I think she did.
Tonight is the last major sporting event in FF history. Nobody really posting about it (Where you at Rodfather?) but I'll really miss live posting big sports and entertainment events on here. #byeFF
zzzzzzzZzzzz - DB, Lil LB's Dad
UConn definitely. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
11 hours total flying time from Nashville to Honolulu. I apologize in advance to all the people who will be flying on the planes with us and our then 23 month old. You have 3 months to brace yourselves.
We had planned to leave him with my parents but have decided to keep him with us. They've got a lot going on right now and looking after him would just add more stress that they don't need right now. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
When I told Mom yesterday that we were going to take Linky with us she strongly requested that we let him stay with her and Dad. She's really been looking forward to it. They're going to come here instead of us taking him to their house. She's been looking forward to it as a kind of mini-vacation to get away from the craziness back home. So now I'm torn again. Mom wants him to stay. Kesha wants him to go. Ugh. Decisions. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Had a feeling Wisconsin would beat Kentucky after watching Kentucky play last weekend then watching Wisconsin play the next day. They almost lost to a better "team" last week. They did lose to a better "team" this week.
#saturdayff : In early 2006 I was having difficulty getting over a breakup with a girl I thought I would eventually marry. We had been broken up a while, 9 or 10 months I think, and I still wasn't over her. Still not giving up hope I decided to go on a birthday trip to Texas to see me former college roommates. I wanted to see them but my...
ulterior motive was to see her (and try to win her back maybe?). Since the breakup she had moved back home to Texas. I hoped to see her on my way back to Memphis. Anyway I was not in a very good place emotionally. I remember driving and busting into tears when Brian McKnights "One Last Cry" came on my iPod on the drive down. I was so lonely and had it in my head that if I could just get her back everything would be okay. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
That took way longer than planned. Was distracted watching Wisconsin knock off Kentucky. What a game! - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Fun on the carousel.
Your wife is so beautiful. And that kid. Cuteness! - Corinne L
He wasn't really feeling sitting on the animals. Too high off the ground I think. Kesha tried him on the bear and the giraffe then just gave up and moved to the bench. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Linky didn't perk up until we got to the makeshift ball pit. This was the happiest he looked all day.
I wanna cuddle him. - Starmama
That's my little man right there. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Lincoln's early 90's rap album cover pics.
Ha! Handsome lil dude! :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
The Easter Egg hunt at the Zoo was fun. Lincoln didn't seem to like the big crowd too much but it was a nice family outing. He had his game face on most of the day. So glad we went though. Looking forward to going back next year.
Notice the soccer ball Easter basket. Starting him off early. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Linky didn't get very many eggs. Maybe 6 or 7 total. About halfway through he was done with the whole thing. You had to turn the eggs back in anyway and everybody got the same gift bag. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Huh. That's different. - Ell Bee, See?
They had like 8 different age groups and didn't want to run out of eggs. It was funny because some of the kids didn't want to give their eggs back. Many tears and pleading parents. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Taking Linky to his first Easter Egg Hunt at the Nashville Zoo! This should be fun.
Pix, please! - Ell Bee, See?
If I had been a girl my Mom says she would have named me Daryela. I'm glad I was a boy.
If I was a boy I was going to be Jason Bruce. - Melly #FForever
Benji, short for BenGene? - bentley
Facebook's new 'Scrapbook' helps parents keep baby photos in one place | The Verge - https://www.theverge.com/2015...
"Facebook is in the process of rolling out a new "Scrapbook" feature that gives parents a simple way of putting photos of their newborns, toddlers, and kids under the age of 13 in one spot. Rather than a proper profile (users can't sign up for those until they're 13), Scrapbook serves as a handy tool for amassing all those baby photos and storing them in a dedicated, easy-to-access place on Facebook." - DB, Lil LB's Dad
The internet took the album away, and now it's giving it back | The Verge - https://www.theverge.com/2015...
For decades, the album was the primary form in which music was delivered to the masses. But ever since Apple introduced iTunes back in 2001, the album has been on the decline. When online piracy ravaged the music industry, music revenues went from $14.7 billion in 1999 to $7.7 billion in 2009, according to the RIAA. While the $0.99 single kept some money flowing into the industry, it changed the way we experienced music. Singles are cheaper to buy and quicker to make than a full album, and that shifted the mindset of labels and artists toward focusing on making more radio-friendly songs instead of focusing on complete albums. But now we’re in the middle of another shift — digital music sales declined 13 percent in 2014 while streaming services (which pay artists less) became the go-to method for listening to music. And surprisingly, with that change, the album is making a comeback. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Yay, albums! - bentley
Time to see if my Grizzlies can not get blown out by 20 points. My how quickly expectations change.
Mission accomplished. We only lost by14! And looked better doing it. I'll take that at this point. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Weird. 17 spam accounts subscribed to me early this morning. Guess the spammers are trying to cash in one last time before the end.
Up to 25 now. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Knicks Cruise Past Bulls! Um... no they didn't.
Headline writing fail. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Just got in from doing yard work. Only got the back yard mowed today. Will have to save for the side and front for tomorrow. Don't think I really realized how large the lot this house we're staying in is. You could probably fit 2 dozen of our Philly yard in the back yard alone. Legs soar. Knee hurts. Definitely gotta hire a lawn service.
Still have a crap load of leaves to get up too. Ugh. Wifey went and bought a leaf vacuum so hopefully that won't be too bad tomorrow. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
#mybootydo - Such an underrated hashtag.
Had totally forgotten about the #LessAmbitiousMovies hashtag. It was fun.
Warriors beat the Grizzlies butts every way but sideways tonight. I totally haz a sad.
Second blowout loss in a row. Doesn't get any easier tomorrow heading into the Spurs house. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Grizz have been blown out at home in two consecutive games. That never happens in the Grindhouse. I'm stunned. Grizz are slipping up at the worst possible time. I hope they're just coasting to reserve energy for the playoffs but it feels like something more serious is occurring. Will the real Grizzlies please stand up? - DB, Lil LB's Dad
We need to have #clubFF at least one more time before the end.
Yes. - Kristin
What the heezy!!! Had to turn my air on yesterday. Tonight? Gotta turn the heat back on.
West Virginia can't hit the broadside of a barn tonight.
Kind of mad about my Grizz getting curb stomped tonight. Then I fed a troll on our Gamethread which is never good to do. That only served to frustrate me even more.
At first, I thought you were with Kirk Cameron. - Anika
LOL. You mean my roommate the Italian looking soccer player? - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I swear when he grows his hair out he looks just like he played for the Azzurri in the 90's. I've seen video. Damn good soccer player too. Could have walked onto our soccer team and been better than all the scholarship players combined. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
haha! Anika - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I don't understand how folks can eat crunchy peanut butter. Kesha bought crunchy Peter Pan by mistake recently. I'm eating it because I don't want it to go to waste but I'm not a crunchy fan at all. It's supposed to be peanut BUTTER. Smooth creamy. Yummy. Crunchy? Bleh. The nuts get caught in my teeth. Ruins the PBJ enjoyment.
I love PBJ if you can't tell. - DB, Lil LB's Dad