#saturdayff : In early 2006 I was having difficulty getting over a breakup with a girl I thought I would eventually marry. We had been broken up a while, 9 or 10 months I think, and I still wasn't over her. Still not giving up hope I decided to go on a birthday trip to Texas to see me former college roommates. I wanted to see them but my...
ulterior motive was to see her (and try to win her back maybe?). Since the breakup she had moved back home to Texas. I hoped to see her on my way back to Memphis. Anyway I was not in a very good place emotionally. I remember driving and busting into tears when Brian McKnights "One Last Cry" came on my iPod on the drive down. I was so lonely and had it in my head that if I could just get her back everything would be okay. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
When I got to my friends' house they lifted my spirits. We had a good time. I milked a goat. It was definitely the most unique birthday experience I've ever had. The weekend went by and I ended up not calling my Ex. I'm not really sure why. Something told me it wasn't the right time. I drove through Dallas (where she lived near) and kept on going back to Memphis. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
The closer I got to home the more I felt the old loneliness and despair creeping back in. Little did I know the gears were already in motion for me to meet the love of my life, the person I was truly meant to be with. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
A couple of weeks before the birthday trip in a last ditch effort to try to find someone to stem the loneliness I made a profile on Yahoo! Personals and paid for 3 months of premium service. If at the end of 90 days I hadn't found someone I'd give up and resign myself to being alone forever. About a week after posting the profile I got an email from this cute dental student. She had a great smile and beautiful eyes. She said she really liked my goofy profile and seemed interested in me. I wrote her back but didn't hear anything back. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I figured it was just my bad luck and proceeded with my plans for my birthday trip. Fast forward to about a week after I got back from Texas. I get a message on MySpace from the girl from Yahoo. Thank goodness I used the same picture for my profile on both sites. She tracked me down! She only had a free account on Yahoo! and couldn't reply to my reply to her initial contact email. The girl was Kesha. 8 months later she became my fiancee. 8 months after that she became Wifey. 8 years later we're still together and are the proud parents of wonderful 20 month old boy. It's funny how life works out sometimes. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
That took way longer than planned. Was distracted watching Wisconsin knock off Kentucky. What a game! - DB, Lil LB's Dad