I don't understand how folks can eat crunchy peanut butter. Kesha bought crunchy Peter Pan by mistake recently. I'm eating it because I don't want it to go to waste but I'm not a crunchy fan at all. It's supposed to be peanut BUTTER. Smooth creamy. Yummy. Crunchy? Bleh. The nuts get caught in my teeth. Ruins the PBJ enjoyment.
I love PBJ if you can't tell. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I'm the opposite. I have strong words for creamy peanut butter. It should be crunchy & the nuts perfectly roasted. - Anika
I like both, but I like creamy a little more. - John (bird whisperer)
i love all peanut butter equally. - holly #ravingfangirl
I prefer creamy, but like both pretty well. - Jennifer Dittrich
Creamy. Very occasionally will I accept crunchy PB (it works well in fudge, for example) but not often enough to actually pay money for it. - ellbeecee
"I don't turn down nothin' but my collar" - KB #kbism #cosign - MoTO Boychick Devil
I can't stand crunchy peanut butter. - vicster.
Use the crunchy to make PB cookies. They can take a bit of crunch. Then it isn't wasted. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I like them equally on bread, but for making peanut sauce for noodles, crunchy is definitely the way to go. - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
Andrew that's funny. I will only eat crunchy. Unless I'm making peanut sauce, then I get smooth! - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
I don't eat it at all, but my wife does--crunchy, that is. - walt crawford
I usually eat the Costco natural peanut butter. I'm not sure if there's a crunchy version of that. - Rodfather
Oddly enough as much as I love peanut butter I can't stand peanut butter cookies. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Crunchy. - Kristin
Adams no-stir, all natural. Creamy. Always creamy. - That one guy. Bren.
Crunchy for me. Creamy is too sticky for my tastes. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
I can eat crunchy, but my favorite is natural peanut butter that is smooth with a bit of grit to it. - Jenny H.
Crunchy peanut butter is uncalled for. It makes me angry. The only time I find it acceptable is if I'm baking peanut butter cookies. - Hookuh Tinypants
crunchy peanut butter is a job half done, :( - chaz2b
I will eat crunchy PB if that is what's available and the alternative is dry toast. Otherwise, creamy PB all the way. - Corinne L
Can we just agree that no matter if you like creamy or crunchy PB, it's always better when it gets all melty on toast?! - Kristin
Bagel. You meant bagel, right? - That one guy. Bren.
Oh snap! I do believe this is the first time I've ever seen the Crunchy vs. Creamy debate on ff. How is that so? lol. I'll accept both, but when it's game time, I'm definitely playing for the PB Cream Dream Team. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Bren - MELTY PEANUT BUTTER ON ANY CARBY DELICIOUSNESS (#teambagel) Anna - Tsk tsk tsk. - Kristin
crunchy peanut butter 43V4H! - Big Joe Silenced
^because it gets stuck in your teeth. 43V4H. - That one guy. Bren.
crunchy = FLAVOUR! and it only gets stuck in your teeth if your teeth are full of holes. :P - Big Joe Silenced
crunchy isn't a flavor crunchy is a texture and 99% of the time texture in food is a bad thing you know like gristle and avocado (*ducks on that one*) - Steve C, Team Marina
I think I'm with Bee Dub and KB. Either is fine with me. Mr. B likes creamy, though. - Ell Bee, See?
We had this debate a couple of years ago. I came across it in my feed yesterday. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Ahh, I just saw it. Also, *fist bump* on PB love that has no room for PB cookies. Those might be the only cookies I can ALWAYS resist. #noproblem - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Tonight I stood in front of the pb section of Safeway & thought of y'all. I'll miss these conversations. - Corinne L