11 hours total flying time from Nashville to Honolulu. I apologize in advance to all the people who will be flying on the planes with us and our then 23 month old. You have 3 months to brace yourselves.
We had planned to leave him with my parents but have decided to keep him with us. They've got a lot going on right now and looking after him would just add more stress that they don't need right now. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
That and Kesha can't bear to be away from him for 4 days. :-) - DB, Lil LB's Dad
We're going to go visit when we get back so they'll still get to see him. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
He's too squirmy now to sit in our laps for that long so we're gonna have to buy him a ticket so we can strap his car seat in. He'll be running up and down the aisle if we don't. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
When I told Mom yesterday that we were going to take Linky with us she strongly requested that we let him stay with her and Dad. She's really been looking forward to it. They're going to come here instead of us taking him to their house. She's been looking forward to it as a kind of mini-vacation to get away from the craziness back home. So now I'm torn again. Mom wants him to stay. Kesha wants him to go. Ugh. Decisions. - DB, Lil LB's Dad