Lincoln's early 90's rap album cover pics.
MoTO Boychick Devil,
Mrs. Alix May,
Jenny H.,
Jennifer Dittrich,
Jaclyn aka spamgirl,
Anne Bouey,
Melly #FForever,
Ell Bee, See?,
Steven Perez,
Great Scott!,
Pete's Got To Go,
Kirsten loves you,
Brent Schaus,
Corinne L,
AHnix (Anna Haro)
liked this
Ha! Handsome lil dude! :)
- AHnix (Anna Haro)
We saw that look a lot early on. We live about an hour away. He fell asleep on the way there. I don't think he appreciated having his nap interrupted.
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
Cutest namesake ever!
- Ell Bee, See?
I want to devour him. Could he be any cuter??!!!!
- Melly #FForever
Love how he's looking like an old grown baby <3
- Starmama
He's so little still next to most of the other kids his age. Right before the hunt started a little one walked up. I swear he looked like he was 4. He was only two months older than Linky! I secretly wondered if his momma had him out there to get extra eggs in the 2 and under group before going with his actual age group. *side eye*
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
- MoTO Boychick Devil