DB, Lil LB's Dad

A simple man trying to live right, act right and make a few people laugh along the way.
At first, I thought you were with Kirk Cameron. - Anika
LOL. You mean my roommate the Italian looking soccer player? - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I swear when he grows his hair out he looks just like he played for the Azzurri in the 90's. I've seen video. Damn good soccer player too. Could have walked onto our soccer team and been better than all the scholarship players combined. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
haha! Anika - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I don't understand how folks can eat crunchy peanut butter. Kesha bought crunchy Peter Pan by mistake recently. I'm eating it because I don't want it to go to waste but I'm not a crunchy fan at all. It's supposed to be peanut BUTTER. Smooth creamy. Yummy. Crunchy? Bleh. The nuts get caught in my teeth. Ruins the PBJ enjoyment.
I love PBJ if you can't tell. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
From this humble plot the Burns Estate shall arise.
I'm sure we'll be spending a lot of time at that playground area with Linky. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Gotta hit the pause button on my work from home day (I could really get used to these). We've got our pre-construction meeting with the project manager for the house in a little while. They start building next week!
Working from home is so much nicer when it doesn't involve taking care of a sick 20 month (as of today!) old. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I've been so geeked out since the meeting. Kesha found it boring but I enjoyed seeing the blue prints and diagrams and stuff. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
How ‘Furious 7’ Created a Digital Paul Walker - http://screencrush.com/furious...
"When Paul Walker tragically passed away midway through the production of Furious 7, Universal and director James Wan faced a difficult task. Do they scuttle the film or charge ahead, using rewrites and body doubles to finish Walker’s performance? They ultimately went with the latter option but refused to go into any details. Now, a new report confirms that a digitally recreated Walker appears in the film and that he was brought to life by the same company that made Gollum in The Lord of the Rings and Caesar in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes." - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Report: BBC 'to sack' Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson - CNN.com - http://www.cnn.com/2015...
"It seems a helmet-wearing tank-driver armed with a petition signed by more than one million fans will not be enough to save Jeremy Clarkson. The BBC is set to sack the wildly popular television presenter after a review found he punched a producer of his hit motoring program "Top Gear," the Telegraph reported. An internal investigation into what the British broadcaster described as a "fracas" found that the presenter verbally abused producer Oisin Tymon for 20 minutes before physically assaulting him in an attack that lasted 30 seconds, the paper said." - DB, Lil LB's Dad
He should come over to American Top Gear. He could have a weekly segment where he continuously bags on American cars. Right in his wheelhouse. I'd actually watch that show if he was on there. Not really a fan of it right now. I think I've watched maybe one episode ever. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
My Advanced Tweets has stopped importing. It's probably for the better. I'm sure you guys are tired of my copious, random Memphis Grizzlies tweets. LOL
It's kind of sad seeing things slowly stop working. - John (bird whisperer)
Yeah. It's weird though because some people's are still coming in. *Looking at you Anika* :-) - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Mine didn't work most of last week, so it's probably done in shifts. - Anika
Study Finds that Half of Atlanta Patients that Tested for HIV Already Have AIDS http://www.theroot.com/article...
Because HIV testing is not available in the places where most people in Atlanta see their doctors, by the time Atlanta residents are diagnosed with the virus, nearly three out of ten already have full-blown AIDS, WABE reports. That’s what experts found after they went digging for why Atlanta emerged 5th on a list of US cities that have the highest number of new HIV diagnoses. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
This is terrible. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Yeah, testing ought to be more available so that infections are caught sooner. - John (bird whisperer)
Study: Melting Greenland ice sheet is rapidly slowing the Gulf Stream - http://mashable.com/2015...
"The Northern Hemisphere winter of 2014-15 was the warmest on record globally, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. But if you look closely at global temperature maps, it becomes clear that one area of the North Atlantic conspicuously bucked the trend, as it has during many years since 1970. That region was, in fact, the coldest it has been since the dawn of instrument records, at up to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit colder than average. According to a new study, this cold pool may be an indicator of a dramatic slowdown in the Gulf Stream, which transports vast amounts of heat north from the equator to the pole, passing off the East Coast of the U.S. and into the North Atlantic." - DB, Lil LB's Dad
This doesn't sound good at all. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
No, no it doesn't. - Kirsten loves you
We Want to Believe: ‘The X-Files’ Is Officially Coming Back « - http://grantland.com/hollywo...
"Like Big Blue, the plesiosaur-like cryptid who maybe eats Scully’s dog in the Season 3 episode “Quagmire,” The X-Files is resurfacing. Fox has announced a new six-episode run of the series, which the network is calling a “continuation” — presumably to distinguish it from a reboot, presumably because J.J. Abrams is all beloved-touchstone-of-geek-childhooded out at the moment." - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Yes please! - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Put it back in its rightful place on Sunday night. Make 24 the lead in. That would rock so much. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I've been going back through my feed this week (like everybody else) a little bit at a time. Just made it through mid-2010 when Kesha had all her major health issues. It brought tears to my eyes. You guys may "just" be my friends in the computer but FF helped me (us) get through a really, really tough time in our lives. Thanks.
I'll always be eternally grateful for all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes. I honestly don't think I could have made it without you guys. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
There's water coming out of my eyes. I should really get that checked out. :-) - DB, Lil LB's Dad
This was the day my brother was born. It was also the day my Dad's track team won a big meet hence the trophy in the background. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
That couch tho - Starmama
Totally swagged out. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Can you guess which one is me? :-) - DB, Lil LB's Dad
haha this is great. - Starmama
I was a defensive stopper. Couldn't dribble. Couldn't shoot. Nobody could get past me though. I was a 4th grade version of Tony Allen. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Christmas tree decorating as competition. I'm surprised they haven't made a show out of this yet. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
And there's your million dollar idea - MoTO Boychick Devil
Linky helped me blow out my birthday candle last month.
I realized I hadn't offloaded pictures and videos of Lincoln from our phones and other devices in a long time. That's been my project this weekend. I've got them backed up locally and in the cloud. It's crazy how fast 20 months has flown by. He's changed so much. Grown so much. It's been really cool to see the evolution in pictures. Good times.
Next I want to sort through them and organize them into something resembling some order. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
1166 pictures. Roughly 2 per day. And that's low. We went through a lull where we weren't really taking pictures for a while. We've been doing better lately. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I worry about Linky sometimes (a lot of times honestly). He's such a pick eater. It's hard to find foods he'll eat and even when we find one he'll tire of eating it after a few weeks. When he gets sick his appetite goes away and he stops eating all together. His doctor isn't concerned but I am. It seems like he isn't growing.
He's was a bit premature so he was small from the get go. I was hopeful that he would be caught up with the other kids growth-wise by now. He's caught up in all other developmental areas except height and weight. The doctor says he's just gonna be on the small side for a while and that's perfectly okay. It still worries me though. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Small amounts seem to work better as well. If we put too much on his tray he seems to get overwhelmed and won't eat anything. He's at an awkward stage where gets frustrated easily because he can't quite tell us what he wants yet. I'll be glad when he can tell us. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Trying to write an article for my favorite Grizzlies fan website. It's been a long time since I've written anything formally for public consumption. I'm having difficulty shaking off the cobwebs. I think I have a good angle for my story but things aren't flowing yet. Plus I can't find the quote that I got the idea for the article from. Ugh.
I have a new found respect for the guys who pump out multiple articles per week for the site. This isn't easy. My brain is warming up to the challenge though. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
#saturdayFF : I finally made it to 300 subscribers yesterday! It only took me 7 years. LOL
'Fresh Prince' Prank Calls American Politics Broadcast C-SPAN - http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015...
There are prank calls and then there is this. During a politics show on American satellite channel C-SPAN, the news anchor was taking calls about how much influence Congress should have in negotiations with Iran, when a caller identifying himself as Jack Strickland joined the debate. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
This is pretty classic. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Time for bed. I get to go to work and not deal with a sick 19 month old tomorrow!
Eric you were the first person to comment on one of my native posts. ::Kristen:: (who hasn't been seen around these parts in 4 years) was the second.
My first native FF post. Though the show may not exist anymore the question is still valid.
Everything for about 3 months before it is imported feeds (oh so many Last.FM recently played tracks) and bookmarklet stuff. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I have 42 pages of posts Micah. This didn't pop up until page 34. So much scrolling. Thanks for improving on a great tool! :-) - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Oh, you're welcome, DB. I love supporting the community. - Micah
Amazon just got permission from the FAA to start testing its delivery drones in the US | The Verge - http://www.theverge.com/2015...
The FAA has issued a special "experimental airworthiness certificate" to Amazon, allowing the company to conduct outdoor research, testing, and training of its Prime Air delivery drones. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
There's an Amazon distribution center about a mile from our new house. I'll gladly be a test subject after we move in this summer. :-) - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Everybody's brackets are busted already. Happy #MarchMadness people!
Fever came back overnight. Another day at home with a sick 19 month old. Yay... (/sarcasm)
Ooft. All good thoughts to you both. - Pete's Got To Go
:-( I hope he's feeling better soon. - vicster.
Ugh I'm sorry been there too often of late. - Steve C, Team Marina
Folks are raving about this new Kendrick Lamar joint. I'm not really feeling it. Does that mean I'm getting old?
And iTunes wants me to pay $14.99 for it? No thanks. Spotify is a Godsend. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
The last track was good. The unexpected blues tune was a bit disappointing. I should probably give it another go. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
It warms my heart to hear Linky trying to sing the ABC Song. He doesn't really know all of the the English words just yet but he knows the tune. He just substitutes Link Language words in place of the letters he doesn't know. It's the cutest thing. I've got to get it on video.
Awww :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
He's learning his numbers too. If you start counting with him he'll say 1, 2, 3 then pauses for 4-7 then shouts 8 (that's his favorite number apparently), 9, 10! Our little man is growing so fast. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I'd shout 8 along with him! :-) - Corinne L
Linky has another ear infection. Fever spiked up to 105 early this morning. I'm working from home today to look after him. Poor fella. Sadly I'm not Momma. He's been calling for her all day.
I think it's pretty much universal. When sick children the world over want their momma. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Glad he's doing better! - Kirsten loves you
LB was my entre to the cool kids of FF.
My subscriber count was looooooowwwwww until I subscribed to her and she subscribed to me. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
LOL! And now we have Lil' LB to show for it! Wait, what? - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
I'm gonna miss FF search only working when it feels like it. #gonnamissff
I wonder if our Italian friends can replicate this "feature". - DB, Lil LB's Dad