Report: BBC 'to sack' Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson - -
"It seems a helmet-wearing tank-driver armed with a petition signed by more than one million fans will not be enough to save Jeremy Clarkson. The BBC is set to sack the wildly popular television presenter after a review found he punched a producer of his hit motoring program "Top Gear," the Telegraph reported. An internal investigation into what the British broadcaster described as a "fracas" found that the presenter verbally abused producer Oisin Tymon for 20 minutes before physically assaulting him in an attack that lasted 30 seconds, the paper said." - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Top Gear without Clarkson is preposterous. They might as well cancel the show completely now. Which would totally suck. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I think they'll probably do a series without him then bring him back after a significant ratings drop. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
As someone who has paid for him and the other two smug berks, I have no complaints. - Pete's Got To Go
if overseas fans want to set up a Kickstarter for them to make it elsewhere, have at it. - Pete's Got To Go
The long running gags and inside jokes won't work as well with "Jennifer" gone. Who's gonna call James "Captain Slow" now? May and Hammond will do alright without him but I think the show will definitely lose something in the process. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
He should come over to American Top Gear. He could have a weekly segment where he continuously bags on American cars. Right in his wheelhouse. I'd actually watch that show if he was on there. Not really a fan of it right now. I think I've watched maybe one episode ever. - DB, Lil LB's Dad