I am jealous of all the folks posting old posts. I can't go back that far. *sniffle*
Stephen Mack,
Mike Nencetti,
Steven Perez,
John (bird whisperer),
Big Joe Silenced,
Ell Bee, See?,
Iván Abrego,
Jenny H.,
Michael W. May,
Aloof Schipperke,
Jennifer Dittrich,
AHnix (Anna Haro)
liked this
- Ell Bee, See?
you just have to scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll until your hand falls off.
- holly #ravingfangirl
Eventually, I hit a wall.
- Mary Carmen
You also have to delete, delete, delete all the imports with no comments, likes, etc. There is a 10,000 post limit, so to get further back you need to get rid of stuff.
- WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Was it in a search, or the main feed? I can get my feed back to the beginning, but I can't do that through search.
- Jennifer Dittrich
yeah, manually scrolling, i got all the way back to my first post in April 2008
- holly #ravingfangirl