Wishing the last FF selfie wasn't me looking so sick and in pain, but....I guess that's kinda fitting. #cheersFF Love to you all. Thanks for all the laughs and the tears.
<3 - Anne Bouey
It's good to see you, but I so very much wish you weren't feeling so awful. *gentle hugs* - vicster.
What Vicster said. Hope to see you soon-ish. - Corinne L
Bye, MC. All the best to you and your beautiful family. :)) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Hiya sweetie. No goodbye from me -- you're stuck with me in one place or another. And I'm sure I'll show up in northern Cali sometime in the future. :) - LB&#39;s FF Hubby
This isn't a goodbye, it is an "I will see you later on the intertubes"... - Back to just Joe
Y'all, I wanna see you on the FB. Bubba, we have to make a Skype date. Joe, I remain steady in my belief that we will drink beer together again. - Mary Carmen