It seems that I should have some parting words on this last FF weekend....
So many things to say and so little space.... - Mary Carmen
First, I thank this place for strengthening existing friendships and creating new ones. Y'all accepted me, warts and all, and I never felt that some of my personality quirks cast me as an outsider. - Mary Carmen
Next, this place and you folks provided incredible support during some of the toughest times of my life. Through sickness and relationship implosion, I could always come here for a laugh or a cry. - Mary Carmen
FF introduced me to Scott. This place brought my husband and I together. With an audience. An audience of supporters and love and good will. It has been my pleasure and privilege to share falling in love and marrying my man with all of you. - Mary Carmen
FF has supported me in so many different ways. Personally and professionally. I've been lifted up through a pretty uncomfortable pregnancy, insane professional situations and experiences and the absolute joy of the birth of our first child. - Mary Carmen
Currently I'm basking in the support and commiseration of being a mom and my second pregnancy. The advice and comfort I've received has been invaluable. - Mary Carmen
Mostly, I thank FF for accepting me. All of me. Supporting me as I've navigated the last 6 years of my life. For making me feel included and part of a community. Making me feel like a valued member of this community. For all the laughs and the tears and the excitement. - Mary Carmen
And for finding that damn black and white cat funny. - Mary Carmen
I'm active on FB and am slowly getting into Italian FF. Please reach out to me there, I'd love to continue this ride with y'all. - Mary Carmen