Just finished watching The Jinx. Holy shit.
YUP! - Stephen Mack
I'm usually a "see things from all sides" kind of guy but holy crap by episode 2 I was already stunned that this guy was walking around free. - Stephen Mack
He's a sociopath. Everything about him screams not right in the head. - Mary Carmen
Those last couple of minutes just made my skin crawl in a way I can't remember feeling before. - Jennifer Dittrich
You guys know he's in jail now, right? - Brian Johns
Yup. About time. - Mary Carmen
For me the jury is still out about the filmmakers. I suspect they withheld things from the police to maximize the impact of the show being aired, even though they're now denying it. I don't buy that the audio presented at the end of episode 6 was "lost" until right before they edited that show. - Stephen Mack
I guess I read their comments differently - it wasn't in the editing phase for the episode, but the review of ancillary audio for any additional 'color' bits, which is why it was being done by interns, rather than the filmmakers themselves. I'm not saying they can't have been sketchy, it's just a pretty normal thing to do later, rather than the interview audio itself. - Jennifer Dittrich
I don't know if I believe Jarecki either. The timeline seems a bit jacked up. But you never know. They could have handed everything over right after the second interview and the police sat on it till they had a case. Who knows. I mean, Jeanne Pirro saw the letter and she immediately knew what she was looking at. I would imagine she made a few phone calls right after her mike was removed. - Mary Carmen