Mary Carmen

It's all fun and games till someone gets hit with a stapler.
Some observations from a lot of listening to Sirius Classic Vinyl:
This station has a serious hard-on for Led Zep. - Mary Carmen
Riffing on MC's first comment: Has there ever been a hard on that wasn't serious? #InquiringMinds #AsTheGreatManSaid_MarinateOnThatAWhile - MoTO Boychick Devil
The Lord is testing me today.
So how do I do an export of my feed without having to pretend I know how to code or run scripts. My brain is a pregnant mush. I really just wanna press a button or two.
here is an online version of the script but sometimes it doesn't work - Pea Bukowski
Imma have to make Scott do this for me. - Mary Carmen
NPR ASKS: Do you have a haunted or possessed doll?
Surely they are all haunted? - Pete's Got To Go
I was once told by several people that my personality was "too much," "too overwhelming" and "it took some time for them to figure out that I was really that way." Consequently, they didn't like me upon our first meeting. I think, 25 years later, that still haunts me.
*hug* - Mrs. Alix May
^ ^ love this! - YvonneM
I am having a downer of a night, so: Let this be the thread where we say what we love about one another. #theFFinalCountdown
I love Holly because finds hilarious stuff that I find hilarious. And many a time we have thought the same thoughts. I love people who just get how my brain works. - Mary Carmen
^ Ruth, thank you for posting. I often wonder how many people there are who read these words but rarely or never post, and yet do feel a part of the community (which you are). - Stephen Mack
I love that in the last 12 hours I've gotten several new followers. #theendisnigh
the annals, eh :D - Pete's Got To Go
hehe - Carmen
A song for all my FFeeps.
Don't make me cry, MC. - Stephen Mack
*sniff* - Kirsten loves you
Oh, yeah....I cut off a whole lot of my hair because it was driving me crazy and making me hot and I am 23 weeks pregnant today and it is about the time for me to have the crazy hair meltdown.
I am SUCH a pregnant lady cliche right now. #nutella #pretzels
No way! You need something super funky in that mix. Nutella and pretzels are way too legit. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I am not an adventurous eater at all. Also, I think my stomach could not handle a third flavor. - Mary Carmen
I am in a fantastic fucking mood (for reals!), so please, #askmeanything the honesty will be off the chain.
Since becoming a mother, what do you miss most about the pre-mom days? - Tamara J. B.
3 Christmases ago, my parents went over the top generous and kind to us and it moved me to tears. - Mary Carmen
Because we gotta go out with a good laugh. May this never die. Fwd: It's been too long, my friends. (via
*cracks up again* - holly #ravingfangirl
This may be one of my favorite FF posts by me: "JFC, there is a battle going on in my head between Paul Williams singing "Evergreen" and Debby Boone's "You Light Up My Life." It's like K-Billy's Super Sounds of the Seventies up in here."
I love your post about the whining whiner. How did that one go again? - Friar Will
AND THE CAT. i mean the one from the show about the woman terrifed of cats. - holly #ravingfangirl
I'm pretty much on the FB. Mary Carmen Nyce.
Finally got this situation under control.
Some people get worked up over the most irrelevant and trite shit.
Word. It must be so exhausting! - Tamara J. B.
Little Nyce#2 is a girl. She's looking healthy and big. Due date 7/4/15.
<3 - Starmama The FriendFeed team : Don Not Shut Down the FriendFeed! - ‌‌ ‌‌گرگان نت ‌‌‌ (✓)
So this just happened to me: The FriendFeed team : Don Not Shut Down the FriendFeed! - ‌‌ ‌‌گرگان نت ‌‌‌ (✓)
Aquaman looks like Rob Zombie.
More Atlantean than Atlantean - Stephen Mack
Time to start making up new lyrics to Devil Man, then. - Corinne L
Sometimes it's a bit scary how "5 years ago" me, would not recognize me today. I'm cool with it. I've gained way more than I lost.
Macaroni time!
The baby wanted tacos. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
so let it be written... - MoTO Boychick Devil
So say we all! - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
my mom once told me that i wanted onion rings ALOT during the third trimester. perhaps this is why I STILL WANT ONION RINGS?!? - Big Joe Silenced
I don't think it is possible for me to cry then laugh, then laugh then cry, then cry and cry and laugh; any more than I am these days. #hormonal #pregnant
Just about 20 weeks.
Does anyone want any sourdough starter? I seem to be neck deep in it again.
i am proud to say that i've managed to keep the starter you sent me alive! i'm such an adult! ; ) - jambina
Yay! - Mary Carmen
Watching my daughter dance is so awesome.
I just won this cabinet at auction and I am in love with it, but I'd like to refinish it to give it new life and go with my furniture. Can anyone recommend any good websites or resources for a novice. Something that has step by step instructions would be awesome. Thank you!
Norm from this old house should be available at your local library. Or any HGTV famous makeover book. Also Home Depot and Lowes has DIY books a plenty (also available at your local library) - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
Dear SI joint: If you could just slip back into place and hold it together until the chiro tomorrow, I'd greatly appreciate it. Stop making the pregnant lady hurt. Thank you, MC
Owwww - Stephen Mack
Pregnancy is AWESOME! - Mary Carmen
Thing I just said to myself: I should get up and puke before the baby gets up.
Pregnancy is weird. - Mary Carmen
At least you have plans. - Eric @ CS Techcast
It's crazy consistent. Now instead puking all day, I wake up, look at the toilet, puke and then go on my way. So odd. - Mary Carmen
So it's only Tuesday, eh?
apparently. - ellbeecee
this Tuesday is trying its damndest to be a Monday, too. - ~Courtney F