I am in a fantastic fucking mood (for reals!), so please, #askmeanything the honesty will be off the chain.
Since becoming a mother, what do you miss most about the pre-mom days? - Tamara J. B.
How did you get into horror movies? What was the "gateway"? - vicster.
Who or what cracks you up? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
What's your favorite thing about Scott? - Ell Bee, See?
Tam: this is gonna sound like I'm full of shit, but not much. Maybe having more freedom and having a reason to get dressed up more, but I really, really, love being a mom and being home with Mariella. - Mary Carmen
Vic: My father is a huge horror movie buff. He loves them. When I was about 8 or 9, we bought our first VCR and joined a mom & pop video store around the block from our house. We'd go to the video store on a Friday night, rent three horror movies for the weekend. We started at the beginning of the section and worked through the entire collection. We watched so many, that the owner actually starting getting titles from his other store for us. I'd have to say that the earliest movie I can remember is Slumber Party Massacre. That kinda sealed the deal. - Mary Carmen
Anna: I love silly, sarcastic and intelligent humor. At the same time I also laugh a lot while watching Sesame Street, but I swear it's because the jokes are so smart. I love riffing on bad movies when watching them. I love to laugh and I enjoy doing so without it being at another person's expense. The three people who make me laugh the most are my sister, Colleen and Scott. - Mary Carmen
A favorite childhood memory? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
LB: That is such a difficult question....he is the kindest person I have ever met. He does everything from the heart and cares about other people. He thinks before he acts or speaks and because of his good heart, he makes me be a better person. He sees the good in every one. Which is not typically my MO, but I've grown a lot since meeting him. - Mary Carmen
My favorite childhood memory is more like a group of memories or period of time. I have a younger sister and two younger cousins. There are 4 of us girls and I am the oldest. Throughout most of our lives we pretty much did everything together. If one family went on vacation, the other kids came with - my mom and her sister are very close. When we were younger, my grandmother still lived in her house and we would all go there every weekend. She would let us tear the place up! My favorite memories are all the fun we had together there. We had a whole closet of dress up clothes, a huge backyard to play in, a pool during the summer and it was in a cul de sac so we could ride our bikes all around. - Mary Carmen
The life you have now, did you always see it as a possibility? Or would mini MC be like, 'whose life is that?' - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Anna: Omg, MC from 5 years ago would be like, "whose life is that????' I never, ever thought I would be living this life. From the time we could speak my mom (and dad) drove into us that education was important, you don't need anyone to support you, make your own money and own career, be independent. I pretty much took that to heart and was very career driven. I truly believed that I would stay in the profession, go as far as I could with it and then find a place I loved working and retire when I was 65 or something. Before Scott, I was in a very long-term relationship. It ended for a variety of reasons, but let's just keep it to I never could imagine being married or having kids with him. So, since we were together so long, I just figured it's not gonna happen and that's okay, we will just be roomies forever. And then life threw a curve and lots of things, including me changed. It took me meeting the right person to even consider marriage or kids. - Mary Carmen
Mary, besides Scott and little Nyce people, what is the best thing to happen to you? - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
Wow, Mo, that is a really good question. I think I'd say it was graduating from college. I was the first person in my family to ever do it and it was so great knowing and feeling how proud they were. After that, probably being able to go on Phish tour for 4 years. Got to meet a lot of good people, see new places and hear great music. - Mary Carmen
wait 4 years. Straight? can you discuss what you did to earn money or should that be a f2f discussion? - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
No, not straight. Basically,I'd do summer tour, holiday runs, and any NE stretch that I could (kinda) fit around school. I worked part time and also used my student loan refund to support myself....not the smartest, but it was a good time. I will admit to missing some classes here or there. - Mary Carmen
Well, I missed classes just for a good game of euchre and a good herbal product. and the occasional concert. - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
Will you marry me? - Melly #FForever
Which do you think will get you first, instant karma or the rhythm? - Corinne L
Melly: yes, but we have to live in Australia. - Mary Carmen
Corinne: instant karma. Always. - Mary Carmen
Are you and Scott still wanna do that super-secret podcast Episode when I finally get around to buying another Windows machine? - Steven Perez
Absolutely. We keep telling each other that we need to podcast. We even have films to discuss.....and then we fall asleep. - Mary Carmen
Did you order the power strip finally???? - Paulette
Yes! It arrived this afternoon. - Mary Carmen
I had no idea you followed Phsih!! Did you know I followed the Dead? For like a decade? - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
No, I had no idea. Small world. - Mary Carmen
How did you end up following Phish for four years? What led you to decide to do so? - Rachel Walden
I made some great friends freshman year and we all liked Phish. These were the first folks who ever wanted to go to concerts a lot, so we did. It was all done out of fun and wanting to hear good music and being obsessed and probably a lot of MJ had something to do with it, too. - Mary Carmen
Best compliment ever received? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Good job. I take whatever I'm tasked to do very seriously. - Mary Carmen
Song that makes you feel like the sexiest, baddest bitch ever? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Queen Bitch by Bowie. - Mary Carmen
What 80's song are you? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Don't Stop Believin' - Mary Carmen
Last time someone's kindness made you cry? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
3 Christmases ago, my parents went over the top generous and kind to us and it moved me to tears. - Mary Carmen