Mary Carmen

It's all fun and games till someone gets hit with a stapler.
Thing I just said to myself: I should get up and puke before the baby gets up.
Pregnancy is weird. - Mary Carmen
At least you have plans. - Eric @ CS Techcast
It's crazy consistent. Now instead puking all day, I wake up, look at the toilet, puke and then go on my way. So odd. - Mary Carmen
So it's only Tuesday, eh?
apparently. - ellbeecee
this Tuesday is trying its damndest to be a Monday, too. - ~Courtney F
Baby moving. Baby moving.
Dancing? - Anne Bouey
The one that's still cooking. Feeling more movement. - Mary Carmen
Yeah, I just figured this baby is getting an early start. :) - Anne Bouey
I am debating with myself: should I go out in the rain and get the bacon cheeseburger my body is craving?
If you could pick up a taco for me.... thanks. - Yolanda
Lack of decent delivery/carry out options is one of the few things against living in the sticks. - Katie
The Dink says, hi!
Hi! - bentley
hello, charmer. - Jenica
I may be screaming along with Styx in Raleys.
In today's installment of, "What's Mary craving?" English muffins. All the English muffins. The dink seems to like them, too.
The dink must be served. - MoTO Boychick Devil
She is trying to share hers with the cat. The cat seems unimpressed. - Mary Carmen
yes well, it's a cat, so... - MoTO Boychick Devil
I should send Bob over - he loooooves toast, especially English muffins. - Jennifer Dittrich
What the fuck is Johnny Weir wearing?!?!
18 weeks pregnant.
Which kitty photo bombed you? - Laura
Margie. - Mary Carmen
I think this is the best thing I've seen in a long time. What an easy and simple act of kindness and generosity. I'm sending a donation. If anyone wants in with me, let me know.
I really think this child is a boy. This pregnancy has been a test of patience, pain tolerance and endurance.
About to spend my late afternoon interviewing nannies. This should be fun.
Is the wind from the east? - bentley
lololol - Mary Carmen
+1 Bentley - Micah
Anyone watch Dr. Phil today? It's the continuation of the Mean Girls episodes. Epic. Parenting. Fail. I have no idea how a child thinks it is okay to punch or smack their parents.
Because they never stopped the kid when they were growing up. - VALZONE#SCREWED
Apparently we only want to eat strawberries for dinner.
A sign of a finely tuned intelligent appetite, no doubt furthered by superior parenting. :) - Steven Perez
Gave the baby a bath, finished washing her. Turned around for five minutes. She took the biggest dump of her life. I'm tapping out.
Mary, I had both grand kids take steamers in the bath. You got lucky. - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
This afternoon my daughter decided that crushing graham crackers into the furniture was a fun idea. In related news, I love my new vacuum.
at least it was something dry? - Big Joe Silenced
tell me about your vacuum. I still need one with good attachments for furniture and also to do the stairs. - Laura Norvig
New Sleater-Kinney: 2 thumbs up.
I'm only halfway through but loving it so far. - Stephen Mack
Ok Go is on Sesame Street. Love it.
MC, have you seen this video of theirs? - Stephen Mack
Yes! It is AMAZING! - Mary Carmen
Agreed! - Stephen Mack
When your food aversions are smell and texture-based, having hyper-emesis is AWESOME.
If these cats wake the baby, I will murder them.
Pregnancy is the best diet ever. So far I'm down 8 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.
Wow. - Tamara J. B.
Yup. - Mary Carmen
And with that I feel that I can confidently predict that the Super Bowl will be a yawnfest compared to this game.
Seriously considering purchasing a pair of gigantic knitting needles.
That throw is to die for! - Shannon - GlassMistress
they'd be handy for poking the kids. - DJF
Pregnancy brain: the struggle is real. I was 2 minutes from the doctor's office when I realized I left the house in my slippers.
Riding comfortable. - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
Definitely felt the baby move. Still amazed by it.
Up from 2:45-6:15 this morning with pregsomnia, nausea, vomiting and then the baby. Up for the day at 7:45. Someone shoot me.
it's training for when the little person pops out and you get NOOOOO sleep, based on my current experience. - Steve C, Team Marina
How are you hanging in there, MC? get a nap, I hope? - Tamara J. B.
The best thing about puking in the shower is not having to clean it up.
:( *gentle hugs* - Sir Shuping is just sir
way to be glass half full. take care - Steve C, Team Marina
Oh, MC, I wish this pregnancy was easier on you. :( - Tamara J. B.
I realize that I am not feeling well, and am very hormonal and OMGpregnant, but do some people walk and breathe at the same time?
They don't. It's why they are so slow. They have to pause between steps to take a breath. - WebGoddess
This pope is killing me with awesome.
It is completely exhausting being this sick all the time.
:( I'm so sorry. - Ell Bee, See?
*gentle hugs* - Kirsten loves you
10pm. Time for some Golden Grahams. #pregnant
Oh man... I love Golden Grahams. My favorite cereal of all time. - That one guy. Bren.
golden honey, just a touch! - Big Joe Silenced
I think I'm logging about 5 hours of Sesame Street a day. The worst part is, she's only watching like 1-1.5 hours of it.
sesame street really is made for the adults. - Sir Shuping is just sir