I am debating with myself: should I go out in the rain and get the bacon cheeseburger my body is craving?
Steven Perez,
Big Joe Silenced,
Stephen Mack,
Hookuh Tinypants,
John (bird whisperer),
Ell Bee, See?,
Mike Nencetti,
Mrs. Alix May,
MoTO Boychick Devil,
Kirsten loves you,
Jaclyn aka spamgirl,
Jennifer Dittrich
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If you could pick up a taco for me.... thanks.
- Yolanda
pics or it didn't happen
- Mike Nencetti
Don't they deliver?
- April Russo (FForever!)
No one around here delivers a decent burger. Actually our delivery options are pretty slim. We live in the sticks.
- Mary Carmen
Lack of decent delivery/carry out options is one of the few things against living in the sticks.
- Katie