So this just happened to me:
went shopping at Target. By the parking lot entrance was an older looking man, probably 45-50, with a gas can, holding a sign that said, "out of gas. Please help." After I parked my car I walked over to him and gave him $20. He was very gracious, explained that he was trying to get back to Fresno and thanked me profusely. As I turned back towards the entrance, this woman stopped her car and said to me, "you just got suckered for money. Don't give these people your money." Forget my initial, WTF face and my MYOB face, I just said to her, "he seems to need it more than me, whatever his story." She then said, "well, you're wasting your money." Me: "Well, thankfully I'm able waste my money any way I want. Thanks for your concern." People really suck sometimes. Why shit all over something kind? People really make stuff their business when it's not. Hope she never needs help. The good karma came back to me not five minutes later when my aches, exhausted, pregnant self was wrestling with a cart, trying to get it released from the other carts. (Is there a special way to do this or something?) A very kind man asked if he may help me and then pried them apart. Kindness people. Really. The world needs some more of it big time. - Mary Carmen
Also, "these people." Lady you're lucky you were stopped where you could block traffic, because I had some thoughts to share with you about your word choice. Are people born this ignorant? - Mary Carmen
People like that - those people, in fact (!) - are made. Sad. And good for you. And yeah, karma. - Louise "Weezy" Alcorn
Dunno if you've read one of Jon Carroll's annual Untied Way column, where he advocates a day of personal Untied Way charity: you go to an ATM, take out as many $20s as you can do with it being just a little uncomfortable, and whenever somebody asks for money, you give them a $20. Without worrying about what they're going to do with it. - walt crawford
[No, I did not misspell United in the previous comment: This is the Untied Way, not the United Way.] - walt crawford
Walt, I have not, but I love it. - Mary Carmen
I'd rather donate and be "wrong" than not donate and be "right". Intent is all. - Mo Kargas
I make it a point to always donate bus money when asked for it. Most of the time "bus money" is a social fiction but pride is as valuable as any coins. And it reminds me of the "5cent economy" at my sister's school where people would ask friends for five cents and you had to give it unless you really didn't have anything on you, because what kind of selfish tightfisted jerk can't spare a measley 5c? So, same thing, but scaled up to adult salaries and needs. - Deborah Fitchett The FriendFeed team : Don Not Shut Down the FriendFeed! - ‌‌ ‌‌گرگان نت ‌‌‌ (✓)