That Bret Taylor post is like WOAH. Ugly
Bret is in there trolling himself. - chrisofspades #FForever.
in Turkish! - Laura Norvig
I've clearly missed it :) - ellbeecee
thqnaks :) - ellbeecee
Wowsers. - Melly #FForever
There's always been a contingent here like that, unfortunately. - Spidra Webster
I'm so sorry I clicked on Laura's Link. - walt crawford
Have you Google Translated that bitch....whoa. - Mary Carmen
nasty. but also funny gtranslate screw ups: Configure crazy goose when he was here now to give us the breast - Laura Norvig
Just wow. Why do people have to be such ankles? - Benny Bucko (Josh)
Haha, there was rumors that his post on Quora about what would happen when FF finally shut down precipitated the actual shutdown. And he even said there that he would get flamed by them on Twitter. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Shut up, Jimminy. - Akiva
Bret: "Miraculously, it is still up. A handful of ex-FriendFeed engineers who are still at Facebook kick the servers when they are down, but it more or less maintains itself, and no one has touched the code since 2009. At some point, everyone who knows how to bring the service back up will have left Facebook, something will go wrong, and the servers just won't come back. And then a horde of angry Turkish people will yell at me about it on Twitter, and we will all remember the small but well-loved site it was." - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Shut UP, Jimminy. - Akiva
Shutdown, Akiva. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
sudo shutdown akiva - Akiva
How prophetic that Quora post was! - Anne Bouey
Anne, only slightly less so in that it just commented on what would happen anytime the service had the small outages over the years. I actually hate that Bret has had to deal with all of that for nearly 5 years. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy