
Ahoy! FFundercat
Dear Paleo/organic bloggers. I don't want advice from someone who isn't a scientist, I want it from a BETTER scientist. Data > Rumor/Guess
RT @jaymewes: I am so in love,never want to leave her ;) thank you all who have said such nice things past couple days! Youse rock
"Tommy... That's a Creeper... It's here to blow us up" #Minecraft
Just posted a photo @ Coolumn Beach
Well... this could get interesting.... @CalliopeGames #Tsuro
Fillet-O-Fish HYPE
My last McDonalds was 20 years ago, and it was a Fillet-O-Fish - Mo Kargas
RT @patbagley: What Jesus said about gay wedding cakes #RFRA #Pence #Indiana
My favourite comeback of the day to homophobic hate speech on Twitter: "there are homosexuals in the lobby?! Stop the elevator!"
Yes, the Essendon FC didn't break the law... but their practises were shady as fuck.
The amount of effort it would take to be dicks to people who support Arkansas' new discrimination laws shows how much THEY love being dicks.
Breaking: @ShaneWarne does weddings now too.
It was the only place for him to go after The Social Network. I guess he's just going to keep playing Billionaire Geniuses for the rest of his career. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
RT @jamieoliver: Please SHOW YOUR SUPPORT Sign it Share it! I'm fighting for food education #FoodRevolutionDay
Racist fuckwits are racist... and fuckwits... and so easily out argued it's not worth even hanging around to do.
DJ Privileges: I snuck it into the playlist and it rocked.
Random Exhaustion Thought: Me and @thenatosummit need to have bevs, sing You're In My Heart by Rod…
My beard picked a fine time to go SURPRISE GREY PATCH.
you'll have to change your avatar - reloj
YOU. SHALL. NOT. PASS...for twenty-one... - Spidra Webster
Convincing a customer that an EPS file is in fact what they're after for that scalable logo rather than insisting I send their graphic designer 8 different JPEG sizes in 3 different resolutions. 2 more minutes and I'm going to short circuit the discussion and ring the GD myself.
When your barber insists on taking a before and after photo to demonstrate his "crafting" style. #HirsuteLifestyle
My sister @michelle_author is having her book read on Playschool. ON MUTHA FUNKING PLAYSCHOOL, BITCHES. This blows my mind.
That's the problem with burning the barn over Obama's birth certificate... Ted Cruz's barn is right next door and there's still embers.
The uncomfortable truth for Tony Abbott and the ALP is a change of Prime Minister would see the LNP take the next 2 elections #auspoI
Fired up the Pixel trailer. Much HYPE... then Sandler came on and the hype halved... then Kevin James came on and I turned it off. #NoHype