
Ahoy! FFundercat
Fired up the Pixel trailer. Much HYPE... then Sandler came on and the hype halved... then Kevin James came on and I turned it off. #NoHype
I'm not Irish.
MINE THE DIAMOND (Minecraft Song) [Toby Turner ft. Terabrite]: (@bennybucko @MellissaD J will like this song)
Immunisation rates of Aboriginal kids is around 95%. In wealthly parts of Sydney it's about 80%. That's what I call a poor #lifestylechoice
The worst thing about #lifestylechoice is the many that will agree. Abbott will get a "racist bump" by playing off the sterotype #AusPol
The discussion about services in remote communities should occur, just not the "You need to live a more White #lifestylechoice" one. #AusPol
Facebook didn't kill FriendFeed. Time did. In the face of a swirling industry with few viable revenue streams and chaotic user trends, it was always risky. That's why we love it. It's not safe. It trusts it's users to manage data flow.
While that's great for people willing to commit to that, the casual web moved on. It's ok. Given the length of time since the Facebook purchase, who's to say they didn't extend the life. Plenty of networks fall over or shutter early but this one is gliding gracefully. I would much rather they have to turn the servers off than just never getting them back up after a crash. - Johnny
A part of me still feels this is just a massive troll at Robert Scoble who is currently on a month's holiday. We die when we die, not through 3rd party declarations ;)
Don't name he who should not be named - Louis Gray
The google results for "soup delivery Toowoomba" are most disappointing.
How about cake delivery? - Melly #FForever
Sammy Hagar delivery. - Melly #FForever
Nanny & housekeeper delivery - Melly #FForever
Need to go back more than FF's cut off? is your friend.
That seems to bring me back to posts from 4yrs 4months ago & no further. - rønin
Yeah sorry, it stopped at 10k. - rønin
As a child I didn't like lectures about cleaning my room. My room was messy and needed cleaning. We should listen to the UN #auspoI
If you buy a $14,000 v1.0 watch, good luck to you.
It's ok.
Yes, but it's ok to be sad too :) *hugs Johnny* - Pete's Got To Go
RT @beth_doyle: Exercise HYPE!!! #MuscleUpForMND #worldrecord #thisisforyoumum @ The Gabba
Couldn't make it up if you tried... The LNP hosted an International Women’s Day event at male-only club. #auspol
RT @_youhadonejob: You had one job.
So it looks like we're going to outlive Google+ too. OK, who's next. #FF4Life
i thought we were the undead? *gnaws on random brain* - Big Joe Silenced
Dang, Johnny jinxed it. - Stephen Mack
My absolute favourite section of the Korea Australia FTA is Chapter 3, Article 3.2, Section (i) covering "goods taken from outer space".
Shout out to the dude on the scooter with a busted leg and crouches.
We're in effect...
Commercials we're being subjected to here in the US: - CAJ was here
RT @bacondonuttv: New emote get! baconWut emote is now live!
RT @ketanj0: This SBS Backburner article bit reminds me of @CAH
Really, Internet? Really? *massages temples*
This is what happens when we get even a little bit of good internet news in the US to celebrate. We go completely apeshit. Llama Drama, Just Say No To The Dress, TOTAL ANARCHY. - Jennifer Dittrich
That Power Rangers video though.
As I sighed at this 450mb file taking 10 mins to download as opposed to 3 mins at home, my 14 yr old self with his 28.8K modem died a little
V.32bis. Good stuff. - Julian
Telebit ftw. - Aloof Schipperke
300 baud Hayes modem. Getting bitty with it - Mo Kargas
Remember kids, a "Best" Oscar is really only "as voted by 5,000 members of the Academy". Recheck the value YOU place on the AMPAS's opinion.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry over people taking these sorts of things *seriously*. Probably both. - Jenny H.
I don't know if a lot of people know just how small the voting pool is. Plus all the restrictions on voting outside your field (editors, sound, director etc). Have to admit that for the longest time I just assumed it "came down from upon high". - Johnny
Tip For Dog Owners: Lock up your dogs and block their ears. Tony Abbott's speech today will be the highest pitch of whistle. #auspol
Tip For Dog Owners: Lock up your dogs and block their ears. Tony Abbott's speech today will be the highest pitch of whistle. #auspoI