*updates GeoCities blog*
Maybe they could leave FriendFeed with an animated "This site is under construction" GIF. - Brian Johns
Using a <blink> tag - Johnny
They're still working out the kinks. - John (bird whisperer)
Someone set up a BBS for us. - rønin
*unearths the old Hayes aluminium brick* - Big Joe Silenced
Joe, I still have at least one of those. - Greg GuitarBuster
Bless you oh 14k Baud modem. Thy handshake noises fulfill my soul. Lemme update my AOL profile. - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
Did you know I was GeoCities' designer back in 2001? True fact. - Kevin Fox
Yes, I did. - Johnny
Oh yeah! Was it you who got me that 'how to GeoCities' book? - Kevin Fox
I didn't. - Brent Schaus
I think so. - Johnny