LB ❤s FF

Christ follower. Proud lifetime member of Team Frank. FSU Seminole. Archivist. #napbus conductor. "Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
Blessed and highly caffeinated.
Isn't that a tautology? - Jim #teamFFrank
Blessed are the highly caffeinated, for they shall inspire the world. - Stephen Mack
Keep it tight, sayeth the Lord. - Brent Schaus
Forever and ever, hallelujah. - Corinne L
RT @charles270: You rememberized something from your English class? You failed.
RT @jacksonferrell: I've got too much chocolate in me. #AprilFools! There is no such thing as too much chocolate.
Spoiler: we have ants.
And now I have that "ants go marching" song in my head. - Galadriel C.
This line of an email made me chuckle: "I just wanted to let you know that I have not been able to make it ... recently because of a literal explosion of work." I'm just imagining her office!
Hopefully she's a bomb technician - Steve C, Team Marina
I had a literal explosion of pull-up twice yesterday that was a clear predictor of future work. #tmi #preschoolerswithtummyvirusesarenofun - Christina Pikas
Yikes! - Ell Bee, See?
LRT: anyone have any confirmation of a mono outbreak at @shorteruniv?
RT @maddy_leeb: How is Shorter University in Rome GA having over 80 cases and counting of mono not hitting international news??? @FoxNews @CNN @CNBC #CRAZY
Gah! Confirmed via a Shorter alum still in Rome whose doctor saw 90 students with mono Friday! - Ell Bee, See?
I really should stop looking at FF and start working on some class prep... but there are only a few days left in which I can goof off on FF!
I was just thinking that in a post-FF parallel universe, it might be possible that I could be really productive....Nah - Greg GuitarBuster
There is only one thing that is needful: fuhgeddabouddit. - Jim #teamFFrank
Watching Hot Fuzz. I've seen parts of it but not the whole thing.
For the greater good. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
I bought JUAN based on Stephen's recommendation. It is high-larious. - Steven Perez
RT @medievai_react: Me getting down tonight like
RT @medievai_react: When you tryna chat a girl up at the club but she already noticed you're actually a horse
RT @yikyakapp: "My friend and I laughed at how competitive we are, but I laughed harder." — FSU
RT @realjohncorbett: And you thought Chris was all alone in the DJ booth....
#SaturdayFF: Friendfeed has given me incredible friends and a terrific seven or so years. I hope to keep up with you all elsewhere, but I know it will never be the same. Thank you all.
Thank *you*, LB! - Jenny H.
You're the glue that holds this group of FFeeders together LB. You deserve ALL the thanks. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
*sniff* *hugs* - Ell Bee, See?
RT @cuteemergency: LOOK AT HIS CUTE BELLY
RT @mercerprez: Congrats Mercer baseball. 9-5 win over Furman to remain undefeated in SoCon play. Go Bears!
RT @mercerprez: Mercer men's lacrosse remains undefeated in SoCon action (3-0) with a big 8-6 win today over the preseason conference favorites. Go Bears!
Dusted the living room ceiling fan for the first time since it was installed, I guess. Ick. :(
Makes me nervous about dusting the ones in the bedrooms. - Ell Bee, See?
You make me feel better, Joe! - Ell Bee, See?
RT @bearsacthuman: Draw me like one of your French girls.
RT @chrchcurmudgeon: We're having a special outreach for Palm Sunday. Bring a frond.
I dunno. They may have made an ash of themselves. - CAJ was here
CAJ made me LOL at this bar. Nicely done, sir. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
*bows deeply* - CAJ was here
Debating a grocery store run.
Did that on my way home. Thank the Maker for oversized shopping cart to lean on. - Steven Perez
I went out but hardly bought anything. - Ell Bee, See?
I need to go out for milk, but I'm not particularly motivated to go. I did stop by the little market up the road on my walk, but they want $6.50 for a half gallon, and there's no way I'm paying that much. - ellbeecee
Good grief! I think Kroger is having a sale. - Ell Bee, See?
Rewatching Night at the Museum.
Any of y'all have an MBA?
nope. I've considered it at times, but right now I'm not sure it's worth it for me. - ellbeecee
I didn't really find any of the classes tough. Many of them were just dull, and so to that extent they were harder only because I had to force myself through them. I had a few business classes during that undergrad (B.A. Managerial Accounting) but nothing that I recall directly. - Hookuh Tinypants
RT @mrgeorgewallace: Shout out to those children's books with the family of Jewish bears and whatnot.
RT @mrgeorgewallace: There ain't enough pro-virus software. It just seems lopsided.
RT @highlights: Good night and be sure to read your favorite bedtime book before falling asleep :) #ReadEveryDay
Northern Exposure season two on DVD. Shoutout to @realJohnCorbett!
I miss that show, especially during the good years of the series. - Jed
4 of 5 stars to Dr. Mutter's Marvels by Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz
Taught a class tonight at one of our regional academic centers. Had a good time, and they gave me a thank you gift. That was a first!
That's pretty cool! - Soup in a TARDIS
INORITE?! :) - LB's Not Leaving