Laura Norvig

Dabbler in social media, organizer of information, builder of communities, mom of famous YouTube star. I like nice people who make cool things.
RT @snotforprofit: #15NTC sessions that get to bizness without icebreakers, meet-your-neighbour, crossfit moves or preambles ...
RT @rootwork: I think @NTENorg deserves a huge thanks for the stable wifi this year. Really dramatically improved from previous years. #15NTC
RT @salsalabs: @lpackard explains: Lead with your best segment to make a good first impression w/ providers (and improve following delivery) #15NTCEmailFTW
RT @salsalabs: Concerned about losing history? @lpackard leans towards removing inactives (save money!) and archive to avoid re-importing #15NTCEmailftw
Sometimes I get tired of people assuming all nonprofits want donors. Grants and other revenue streams - that's how we roll @ETRASSOCIATES
RT @communic8nhowe: RT @SteveHeye: When you are overloaded & a new project is added, always ask: "what should I stop doing?" #15NTC
RT @carolynappleton: "@sopitz: If I've learned one thing at #15ntc - get rid of carousel on the homepage. So 2009. #15ntcbeyondlaunch" Thanks for saying that.
RT @grinhoyz: Before you cull inactive subscribers, be sure to send them one last message to try and win them back. -@lpackard #15NTCEmailFTW #15NTC
apropos of #15ntcemailftw (maybe): infographic my boss just sent me:
Segmentation is simple: send people stuff they care about. Don't send them stuff they don't care about. #15ntcemailftw
RT @steveheye: A good role for leadership is to clear time for all staff for big projects. #15NTCrealissues #15NTC
Ended up choosing #15ntcemailftw glad I did. Reinforced things I know but don't do; learned new things. #15ntc -
You're welcome @silverbell - loved the session and already installed the dashboard!
RT @silverbell: If you couldn't make it to my Google Analytics session, you can still grab the recording and resources! #15ntc
RT @joleendearest: Deep in the heart of #NPTech #15NTC @farra @penguinasana
Choices, choices: #15ntcemailftw #15ntcbizsmart or #15ntcrealissues - help me, crowd - can't decide!!! #15ntc
Be careful with filters because you can't undo them. Hmmm time to check our filters! #15ntcgadata @kierenjameson
lightbulb moment: URL Builder and our org's affiliate links tracking. Ohhh, that's how we used to do it! #15ntcgadata cc: @kierenjameson
RT @keriamlotte: Healthy website traffic distribution should be equally split btw search, direct, and referral. #15NTC #15NTCgadata
RT @silverbell: Here are the collaborative notes for my Google Analytics session! #15ntcgadata #15ntc
RT @peterscampbell: A bounce rate of 70% or less is normal, not a cause for concern. #15NTCGADATA @silverbell
RT @jessicagetty: You should see an increase in sessions & page views from effective outreach. #15NTCgadata
RT @jasonshim: Great breakdown by @silverbell on Google Analytics metrics. #15NTCgadata #15NTC
#15ntcgadata - @silverbell is going to give us her customized, simple dashboard - woohoo!
monitoring top landing pages lets you know what your audience is interested in at any particular time. #15NTCgadata #15ntc
Yes!! Austin Beerworks pretty good too! @Tech_Impact @StubbsAustin @ReedTurnerMusic
RT @kanter: "Own Your Schedule and don't feel guilty for taking a day off" RT @kivilm New Post: Work-Life Balance at #15NTC
RT @techsoup: Congrats to our #net2 superstar @elijah & communications pro @girardinl for your #15NTC awards!
RT @ntenorg: There will be an "In Memory of Michael DeLong" Birds of a Feather table. Thanks to all for suggesting. #15NTC
RT @casefoundation: Join our Digital Marketing Manager, @elyseindc, for a #15NTC session on online engagement - Fri. 10:30am
tech helps @etrassociates manage stakeholders (salesforce), communicate with them (Pardot) and train them (GoToMeeting) #15ntc + #techedup
RT @askdebra: Uploaded worksheet we used to design online engagement campaigns today in #15ntcIsLikeLove #15ntc @limeredstudio