Laura Norvig

Dabbler in social media, organizer of information, builder of communities, mom of famous YouTube star. I like nice people who make cool things.
tech helps @etrassociates manage stakeholders (salesforce), communicate with them (Pardot) and train them (GoToMeeting) #15ntc + #techedup
RT @askdebra: Uploaded worksheet we used to design online engagement campaigns today in #15ntcIsLikeLove #15ntc @limeredstudio
Twitter spammers have found our trending hashtag! Report and block early and often. #15ntc
RT @sue_anne: RT @NTENorg: Here's the list of #15NTC collaborative session notes all in one doc:
RT @rosette_n: Thank you @Tech_Impact, @msftcitizenship for fabulous party @StubbsAustin! Y'all know how to throw a #15NTC party!
RT @askdebra: Collab notes for Designing Online Engagement Campaigns at Thank you to our note takers! #15NTCislikelove #15ntc
Must be the awesome vibes here at #15ntc - I just created a cool automation rule in @Pardot after a colleague complained about something
Tweeted wrong collab notes link for #15ntcsmartcookies it's actually -where is master list of short links #15ntc ?
Thoroughly enjoyed the food, music, and beer at @techimpact #officeparty - winning a @surface pro was icing on the BBQ. Wait, wut? #15NTC
RT @jamesroo: Congrats to the two Surface Pro 3 winners at the @Tech_Impact #OfficeParty - Laura & Aimee!
RT @penguinasana: Oh, @SteveHeye photo bombing the NTENer Center @LNorvig @Deborah909 #15NTC
Like the @lnorvig t-shirt. - Joe
Joe, I have had that since 2008!!! - Laura Norvig
Super smart and clearly awesome at her job: @JessicaGetty of @peta explaining targeting through Facebook and Google ads. #15ntcsmartcookies
. @MRCampaigns can we leverage the cookie pool if only using Google AdGrants or is it only good for Display Ads? #15ntcsmartcookies
RT @mrcampaigns: Lookalike modeling on Facebook: upload a segment of your list to evaluate their profiles, then find more like them #15NTCsmartcookies
If you're in #15ntcsmartcookies please add to the collaborative notes:
#15ntcsmartcookies - learning about how the web keeps showing me those damn blinds everywhere - I already bought my blinds, please stop!
RT @pirdave: Purchasing a .ngo domain @ongood you are participating in a global philanthropic directory not done before #15NTC
"I'm the CEO of my life." OMG, love this!! Understanding who comes first. #15ntcparadox
Be aware of that "should" voice. Where is it coming from? #15NTCparadox
I should be aware of that. - Joe
We had great conversation, took fantastic notes in #15ntcparadox - check it out: #15ntc
Think of your schedule like a budget - helps prioritize, helps review ROI of your time, helps you say no. Make it visual. #15ntcparadox
RT @kristinaleroux: Starting #15ntcparadox #15NTC @kivilm @LeiliXO
RT @sopitz: Don't just make lists. Review old lists so you know what went well and what didn't. @Coburnicus #15NTCignite
. @Coburnicus absolutely rocking #15ntc ignite. We learn from making mistakes, so one is never enough.
RT @ntenorg: It's NTENny time! Get to know these folks: @SethHorwitz, @kmontenegro, @ReginaWalton, @bph #15NTC
Options for Sexual Health is the Canadian Planned Parenthood. Listening to @jjbreakspear talk about seizing social media moments. #15ntc
RT @snotforprofit: On a scale of Vedder to Grohl, can you confirm this is enough flannel for Austin, @NTENorg? #15ntc #ntcbeers
. @IndSector thanks for the follow!
which one of you kooky FF-ers live in Austin?
RT @etrassociates: Stealth Recruitment? A good thing! Boost diversity in #STEM education. Eloy Ortiz explains.
RT @thisisfusion: Interactive: In their own words, women detail daily sexual harassment:
RT @santacruz_news: Join 100s of passionate, local teens working towards social change in #SantaCruz TONIGHT at Teen Nite: What the Cruz?!