Laura Norvig

Dabbler in social media, organizer of information, builder of communities, mom of famous YouTube star. I like nice people who make cool things.
RT @thisisfusion: Interactive: In their own words, women detail daily sexual harassment:
RT @santacruz_news: Join 100s of passionate, local teens working towards social change in #SantaCruz TONIGHT at Teen Nite: What the Cruz?!
RT @kteare: Gillmor Gang LIVE 02.27.15 right now via @techcrunch
Test of emergency broadcast system
I used to have a friend who would always say her name was Anita Vacation. That's my name now.
RT @amyrsward: Supporting Communities Within Your Community - how do you create community amongst your staff and board? #nptech
Do you think software can be art?
RT @wef: 3 ways the technological revolution is unlike any other in history, by Prof. Klaus Schwab
RT @wordwhispers: Proof that cats have been walking across things that people are trying to read since the 15th century:
RT @digitalmaverick: A day or so late, here’s #whatIlearnedtoday
A3 - "partner", "colleague". Inside lingo/acronyms to show alignment with audience. Words of praise/encouragement #npcons
A3 - We do use "partner", "colleague" quite a bit. Some inside lingo/acronyms to show alignment with audience. Words of praise/encouragement
. @JaneGarthson I'm a Digital Media Strategist for @ETRASSOCIATES - do some social media hands-on work, craft emails, manage adwords, more.
Oh hai! *stumbles across #NPCons tweetchat!*
Friendfeed's own Rochelle (not the librarian one):
Only available to subscribers. - Kristin
here's Planet Money on the Turks: Episode 600: The People Inside Your Machine : Planet Money : NPR - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
if you want unlimited intelligence, you’d better figure out how to align computers with human needs
Having the weirdest craving for cocaine. so weird, I hate cocaine. Must be the champagne and potato chips ... just seems like a natural follow on.
I laughed out loud. Not sure if I was supposed to. - Brent Schaus
Salt and vinegar potato chips make me want to oogle an attractive young dental hygienist, cos that's who first introduced me to them. - Big Joe Silenced
RT @_jguevara: Seeing is Doing: 8 Creative Ways to Visualize Your To-Do List:
If your to do list looks like that picture, you need a different job. :) - Stephan Planken
RT @helpouts: Thanks to everyone who's been part of the Helpouts community. Sadly, we’re shutting down on April 20. Read more here:
RT @pjschnyder: Woah RT @PopSci Mattel and Google team up to turn View-Master toy into virtual reality headset
RT @jmspool: "There were some problems loading your apps - Retry | Dismiss" Oh, Google Drive. What we do without your clarity?
RT @etrassociates: What are kids' stereotypes about geeks & nerds & living the #tech life?Julie Adams explains
RT @iamkidpresident: Library at the school we visited today had this by all computers. More people should follow the advice. 😊
What idiots! They forgot the FF logo. - Joe
I am Meritorious, Exemplary, Awesome, and Necessary. - Andrew C (✔)
. @davewiner that is cool - I might have to learn JSON!
. @louisgray but it's from the Country Court! I hear they are right down the street from the Kangaroo Court.
RT @predpol: Have you seen @PredPol in this new @Forbes article about #predictivepolicing
RT @volunteennation: Got a youth-led service project idea and need support? Apply @Disney Friends for Change Grant by 2/18 @YouthService:
From the Branches: February @ Digital NEST:
RT @btrfly12: #NPMC chat transcript - Making nonprofit websites a priority via @NPMarCommunity #commbuild
"How PAPER Magazine’s web engineers scaled Kim Kardashian’s back-end (SFW)" by @ftrain
Like the car/bus/plane discussion. - Joe
Yeah, I gotta remember that one. - bentley
HA I can so relate to this.... “I reflexively begin designing the architecture in my head. It’s a nerd impulse. Dogs chase after thrown balls, system administrators design to arbitrary traffic.” - CW
neat article. - Marie
RT @btrfly12: Join/Share: #NPMC chat for #nonprofit marketers Thurs Jan 29 1pmET @seastarbatita @askdebra @LNorvig
A3 Gov wants to fund innovation but hands tied in sooo many ways. #innochat @JohnWLewis