Laura Norvig

Dabbler in social media, organizer of information, builder of communities, mom of famous YouTube star. I like nice people who make cool things.
RT @btrfly12: Join/Share: #NPMC chat for #nonprofit marketers Thurs Jan 29 1pmET @seastarbatita @askdebra @LNorvig
A3 Gov wants to fund innovation but hands tied in sooo many ways. #innochat @JohnWLewis
RT @hilltrompersc: Have you reserved your seat 4 the Feb. 12 campaign kickoff to make Coast Dairies a nat'l monument? #treehuggerparty
RT @steveheye: Don't Brett Farve your programs. (in other words, know when to retire) -quote from a webinar my wife was on. LOL
RT @dianalrendina: . @E_Sheninger is sharing an awesome #Makerspace quote from @NMHS_lms #FETC #Makered
RT @gshellen: "7 Things You Need To Know About Telling People They Need To Know 7 Things About A Particular Topic"
I'd NEVER BELIEVE what's in that list... - walt crawford
Doctors hate #2 - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
RT @samjoyk: Just saw @ValaAfshar tweeted this and it made me laugh - sadly it's all too true these days!
#saturdayff sparked by Stephen F-ing Mack's. Growing up we had a housekeeper come in a few days a week, but my mom still did a lot of ironing. The laundry room was in the basement and I liked to sit down there with her and look at books while she ironed. I sat there and asked about every word: "what does c - a- t spell?"
Then one day at breakfast she said she was very surprised as I rattled off everything on the cereal box. - Laura Norvig
Awesome - Stephen Mack
RT @mycmgr: Join us today at 2pm EST for #CMGRHangout presents: Freelance Community Management! #cmgr
RT @jfouts: Need to talk to somebody? Check this out Talk to someone about anything on @7_Cups_of_Tea
. @jfouts is that typing chat or audio? can't tell from home page. looks pretty cool. @7_Cups_of_Tea
RT @jfouts: Creating More Productive Companies Through Workplace Gamification via @danielnewmanUV
. @kanter you might like this blog post: - would love to introduce you to Deb Christopher someday -passionate trainer
Trip to urgent care to remove stubborn tick from Wade's neck. Was not the Lyme disease kind. But required nova sine and digging to get that sucker out.
Novacaine, autocorrect, you dummy - Laura Norvig
That is hilarious, Starmama. Always heard about holding a hot match head to the body but never tried it. I think if you kill it instead of getting it to back out it's no bueno. - Laura Norvig
With quotes like, "I'm glad that the Seahawks are losing and we're winning," last night was the perfect time to watch Silver Linings Playbook. My husband needs to see this movie.
RT @jessicarichman: The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. - Linus Pauling
You gais, how do you work out in the middle of the day? I want to swim, but I want to eat.
Back when I was working, I'd nosh at my desk while working then use my lunch hour to either walk to the gym and work out (in one work situation) or go to a back room and use a video workout (in another work situation). - Spidra Webster
My husband: "Blah, blah, blah football." My son: "Blah, blah, blah Pokemon."
#saturdayff I have lived in a VW van and a half-size school bus. The former was a nomadic lifestyle, the latter had the luxury of being parked in a driveway.
I'm in the mood for some good #saturdayFF - whatcha got kids?
Hmm! - Stephen Mack
trapped in a portable toilet for 3 hours at a music festival in the early 90s. i was supposed to be helping a friend who was trying to unionise the stagehands. - Big Joe Silenced
RT @collbud: RT @santacruzmah: This Week at the MAH: FREE First Friday: Everybody's Ocean Opening -
Elevation Gain: A review of Salesforce Trailhead awesome blog post by my colleague @KierenJameson
With any luck, 2015 will be the year I invent self-folding laundry.
Or just stop folding it. =) - The Other Yvonne
I'm trying to get things I don't have to fold… - Amit Patel
Also, I replaced my socks with all the same type, so I don't have to pair them :) - Amit Patel
NTS: Cell phone place Cori likes: Cruzn Cellular in Scotts Valley. Page Plus Verizon deal only $40/mo. 3G only.
Anybody know of a resource that rates online traffic schools? I have a choice of 635 that are approved by the CA DMV ...
how to find the well-hidden "show typical traffic" feature in gmaps on the web. - Laura Norvig
it's unbelievable how hard they make it to find this. - Laura Norvig
plus, as far as I can tell, you can't tie it to a route, only to a single map coordinate and then zoom in or out. dumb. - Laura Norvig
RT @spacekatgal: Can hardly believe how terrible the Twitter interface for making lists is. Use the Website, REALLY?
I am frequently surprised at how unpolished the Twitter experience is, and I use the website, Android app, and iOS (iPad) app frequently. I guess they're iterating quickly, but core functions like lists languish. - Andrew C (✔)
RT @steffihuschner: Make things people want #growthhacking #ghc14
It feels pretty good to be out of Lilly-white Santa Cruz.
NTS in case landlord tries to deduct linoleum/vinyl replacement: Relative lifespan: The cost of vinyl and linoleum is offset to some extent by the difference in their life cycles. While vinyl can cost as much as 50% less than linoleum, it will only last on average 10-20 years. Meanwhile a linoleum floor can last upwards of 20-40 years, which means...
Normal wear and tear includes simple wearing down of carpet or drapes because of normal use or aging, and includes moderate dirt or spotting. In contrast, large rips or indelible stains justify a deduction from the tenant’s security deposit for repairing the carpet or drapes or replacing them if that is reasonably necessary. On common method of calculating the deduction for replacement prorates the total cost of replacement so that the tenant pays only for remaining useful life of the item that the tenant has damaged or destroyed. For example, suppose a tenant has damages beyond repair an eight-year-old carpet that had a life expectancy of ten years and that a replacement carpet of similar quality would cost $1000. The landlord could properly charge only $200 for the two years’ worth of life (use) that would have remained if the tenant had not damaged the carpet. - Laura Norvig