#saturdayff sparked by Stephen F-ing Mack's. Growing up we had a housekeeper come in a few days a week, but my mom still did a lot of ironing. The laundry room was in the basement and I liked to sit down there with her and look at books while she ironed. I sat there and asked about every word: "what does c - a- t spell?"
Stephen Mack,
Steven Perez,
Anne Bouey,
John (bird whisperer),
MoTO Boychick Devil,
Jenny H.,
Steve C, Team Marina,
Brent Schaus,
Stephan Planken,
Tamara J. B.,
The Other Yvonne,
Corinne L,
LB ❤s FF,
Jennifer Dittrich
liked this
Then one day at breakfast she said she was very surprised as I rattled off everything on the cereal box.
- Laura Norvig
When I got to Kindergarten, I was one of the only ones who could read. I was called upon to read to the whole class, which both enthralled and terrified me.
- Laura Norvig
I distinctly remember that the book I read was both about a cat and shaped like a cat.
- Laura Norvig
- Marie
- Stephen Mack