Horoscope: "We all know how soft you are inside Cancer, and that is why you so often instinctually retreat into your shell, when anything threatens your feelings of safety and security. It has become second nature to you, to protect your inner space, yet have you ever deeply thought about the consequences of holding in and holding back?
At some point, you are going to have to put it all out there, if you haven't done so already. With so much energetic fuel in Aries at the moment, an emotional edge can become the coat you where and as much as being strong suits you, it's your softness that becomes the game changer. You are learning that it is in your true tenderness where your greatest strength lies. It is in those vulnerable moments when others fall at your feet. You may feel as if you have every reason to protect yourself, in heart and in spirit, but it is in your coming out, where you will ultimately feel the greatest sense of safety. Why? Because when you are moving in stride with yourself and your Soul, aligned, and one with who you are, no one can touch you, and yet everyone will want a piece of you. When you arrive at a state of true independence, needing no one to complete you, the world will be saying,”I want what she's having.” Saturn in Sag slows to a stop this weekend and retrogrades on Saturday, March 14, for four months. This is your invitation to release anything that weighs on you, forever freeing yourself from that unnecessary cover. - Laura Norvig