I probably should have started trying to look for shit to save a little earlier. Man, I suck at letting things go. We'll have to see how this goes
try http://freefeed.net/clio ;) it will ask for login and remote key (link for convenience provided), it has Russian interface but you can guess it on right side - it is mirroring tool plus (apparently) future soc.net derived from FriendFeed. Don't worry there will be English interface too, it is just hurry now - piikummitus
thanks. forgot how to find my remote key - Laura Norvig
thx joey! - Laura Norvig
piikummitus, said page not found - Laura Norvig
ah, worked the second time. not sure what i'm seeing though - Laura Norvig
just checked a bunch of boxes and clicked a button - Laura Norvig
I guess I should go try Micah's script? I don't have a ton of room on my pc and my mac is pre-yosemite - Laura Norvig
my big plan to first get rid of non-essential stuff never happened. - Laura Norvig
But I have an older backup that Stephen fucking Mack made me. Right, Stephen? *waves* - Laura Norvig
yay! you got yourself and several others to backup - I see it working! there is little queue but lets hope it works for you! you will see how your and other feeds will be fetched. They will turn green as they succeed. - piikummitus
don't hesitate to add me to stay connected after lights off. e.g. https://www.facebook.com/silpol - piikummitus
thx! very cool. now why isn't google offering to translate for me? - Laura Norvig
Not sure if it will finish in time, but just in case I'm using Victor Ganata's script to run a backup on your stuff now just in case. Once complete, if it completes in time, I'll shoot you a DM on Twitter to arrange how to get the backup to you. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
aww, that is so sweet! I've tried the clio thing and now I just noticed that frenf.it also has an import, trying that too. Wait, what it your twitter handle? Doh! nevrmind, got it. - Laura Norvig
i wonder if these backups and imports get messed up if you keep adding/deleting stuff from your feed. - Laura Norvig
They are basically a snapshot of whatever happens to exist at the point in time that the page being downloaded. From what I've seen Melly doing stuff in her feed while it's been backing up hasn't affected the success of the backup, just means any changes to the data that come after a particular page is download don't get saved. Think of it like taking a photo. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
clio backups make first backup, and then try to do incrementals more at best-possible rate (mind you, they follow 634 users now, yours is still in queue). - piikummitus
Google Translate is not there because team is tiny and I18N/L10N tasks would be overkill for them. They can communicate in English tho. - piikummitus
Currently yours is still in queue, and another one (referred by you) is in progress of download. Will keep fingers crossed. Update: download completed !1! - piikummitus
Backup complete, size is 58 MB, and goes back to 2004. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
Please don't forget to confirm Clio login from your email box - it is just clicking confirmation URL. - piikummitus
Also please visit again http://freefeed.net/clio and check table - below the first row with your feed (it should have had green by now), there are still 4 rows with filter/direct, filter/discussions, lauran/comments and lauran/likes - click in the right column to request download, and then ABOVE table there is bigger button "Сделать бэкап" (make backup) , PRESS IT, so it will put into queue everything among main data. - piikummitus
Sent you a DM on Twitter with the link to the backup, Laura. - Benny Bucko (Josh)