CALIFFORNIA LOVE--Attention CA peeps: I don't know when I'll be going back to visit, but CA is home, so I will go at some point. I have family in the I.E., O.C., and L.A. I also have family in Gilroy & San Francisco. If you'd like to meet up one day, dm me your email address, so I can reach out to you. Thanks! :)
So far, I got Starmama's and Hookuh's. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
And Rodfather's. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Girl, you just gave me a Tupac earworm. - Corinne L
🎶 Sacramento, Sacramento where you at? 🎶 :D - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Let me serenade the streets of L.A.! - Corinne L
If I still lived there, I would give you 720 20th street, in Midtown Sactown. But alas... - #cryptic
Thanks all. <3 Looking forward to your smiles and laughter. :))) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I'll be in the OC in August, so if you're around those parts, A1, let me know. :) - Steven Perez
I'll be all up in this bitch for the bulk of my existence, so you know I'm down whenever you come through. :D Well, unless you come through while I'm in New York in November or Orlando in January. Then we'll hafta have words... - Hookuh Tinypants