In the past few years, I've felt the need to disconnect from a lot of things, especially from most online services. FB and twitter are just way too noisy for me. But ff has been the exact amount of what I needed & wanted. I will miss the comfort of knowing I can pop in, even if it's just for the night. Y'all always left the light on for me...
Thank you for that. :') - AHnix (Anna Haro)
We wanted to be sure you found your way home. :) - CAJ was here
^*more tears* - AHnix (Anna Haro)
*love* - Michael W. May
*hugs* - Yolanda
<3 - Anne Bouey
Much love to you, Ms. Haro. - vicster.
The light will remain on for you, regardless of where you are - Mo Kargas
<3 Haro - Jenny H.
Confession: In my head, your name is "Anna Hero." - Stephen Mack
:))))))) Thank you all. Love and Light to each and everyone of you. <3333333 - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Your butt had better be over at so I have someplace to stalk you besides Tumblr. :P - Hookuh Tinypants