
like sugar.
I have a new mailing address. DM me if you wanna update your info :-)
You moved?? - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Not yet, just have a mailing address because I don't know what's gonna happen, or when. - Starmama
Maybe I'll watch Moonlighting all over again. See if I'm still as amused & impressed 30 years on.
ohh, I loved that show when I was a kid. Is it on NetFlix or Hulu? The other 80's detective/couple show I loved was 'Hart to Hart' It's available on Amazon, but for $3 an episode, so that's not happening. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Hopefully it's on Netflix, I don't have time to look at it right now. I could make it my first binge in our next house. - Starmama
Need tires maybe brake pads too. Every lil thing is a fecking crisis. "These are the breaks" - Kurtis Blow
No me gusta. - Steven Perez
Oatmeal never fills me up. I always want something else to eat. But a big bowl of cream of wheat satisfies my hunger. What's up with that.
Well, cream of wheat is usually enriched, so I wonder if your system is craving those extra vitamins :D - Jennifer Dittrich
For my family, it depends on what kind of oatmeal it is, how long it takes to cook. If it cooks in the bowl, instantly, it leaves us hungry again instantly. And the longer it takes to cook it, the longer it will be till we are hungry again. But there is a limit to how long any of us are willing to wait for a bowl of oatmeal. The 5 minute old fashioned oatmeal is that limit. If I were willing to take 30 minutes to make breakfast, I would choose something more awesome than oatmeal to eat, like yellow rice, spinach, eggs, and hot sauce. - April Russo (FForever!)
I'm taking the max dose of Zoloft and anxiety is very high still. Depression keeps whispering in my ear: "shit's too hard, just give up". My sugar's high and I keep forgetting to take my night insulin & meds. Now the smell of my sweat has me concerned about my kidneys.
Making a Dr appt soon as the phones open. - Starmama
(((Starmama))) - Jenny H. : I cannot find a way to write a post on mobile. And having to copy, paste, and go to a whole other website doesn't make for an enjoyable experience, half of what I'm trying to figure out still doesn't make sense after translation.
It's a new service and he's still working out the kinks. I can't upload a photo. - Greg GuitarBuster
Please read this... "do not shut down the Friend Feed" … @MarkZuckerbergF #markzuckerberg - Emrah
Jayden went with my mom, her friend, their two dogs, my brother & sis-in-law on a hike, for my mom's birthday. I've packed and sorted and purged hella stuff. Bundles and bundles of paper & recyclables for Jayden to take down to the bin.
Exhausted now. Hangry. Only easy thing to eat is a liverwurst sammich. But we have nothing spicy or crispy to complement it so I don't wanna eat that. - Starmama
Wow, all that work. Good for you! - Marie
And it's hella hot inside too. Whew. But it's all worth it, not least because I FOUND THE BIRTH CERTIFICATES AND SS CARDS. - Starmama
You can #askmeanything you'd like
How did you discover FF? - Ell Bee, See?
This one. Can't help but strut like a model when it comes on :-) - Starmama
Only I would get all the way downtown, pay for parking, and realize I'd left all my paperwork sitting on the desk in the hallway.
& their next appt is Thursday. - Starmama
I was able to get an appt for tomorrow afternoon but I won't be able to get J off the van after school. So he's staying home tomorrow. And I have to pay for that appt and the one I had to cancel because I'm too fucked up for real life. Can't really bitch cos they're a non profit fighting the good fight but still. - Starmama
Getting ready to meet the lawyer, give them $$ & prepare my case. Hearing is a week from Thursday. Asking for as much time as they'll give me, and to waive the $$ the owner is demanding from me.
Then, to the housing authority to request another extension. Pretty sure I'll get it but I've got more anxiety about this than anything. - Starmama
My friend Andrea, Daisy's new mom, said the fraudulent chick upstairs moved out. The owner is starting repairs today. If he's still around in the afternoon I may stop by over there. But I'm definitely giving him a call. She's been #TeamMandy in a big way so she's already told him good stuff about us. - Starmama
Don't know if I'm able to download my feed but I'm not gonna try, as much as I love reading my own words. Too busy too scattered too much going on.
Priorities, Mandy :) - Pete's Got To Go
word - Starmama
If you're interested, I'm @starmama30 on Twitter. I'll be coming here til I can't no mo :-)
Amanda Smulevitz on Facebook. - Starmama
"If you don't want minimum wage, don't have minimum skills" My best friend's daughter has become every looks-obsessed, money-over-everything, Trump & Giuliani admiring millennial that I just despise. I keep tellin myself it's because her mama wasn't alive to raise her so I haven't unfollowed her yet. But yuck.
to that i say: what about the ppl with "maximal" skills who are still working shit jobs? lemme guess. - Big Joe Silenced
also: travel. this young woman needs to get out of her comfort zone and see the world. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Heard a Wendy's radio ad in which Red mentioned dipping fries in a Frosty. Of course I've been craving exactly that ever since.
damn you. now I want fries. - Aloof Schipperke
Yum. That was all I ever did at Wendy's. Oh wait, sometimes a cup-o-chili beans. Never liked their burgers. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Sriracha at Taco Bell. Nah.
girl preach - MoTO Boychick Devil
It's raining & the sun is shining. RAINBOW WEATHER!
wtf happened to Twin Dragon cookies. They used to be yummy. Just ate two and they were boring.
Right? I stopped eating them eons ago because they taste like cardboard. They were so flavorful when I was a kid. - Anika
Yes! I was craving that taste from my childhood and passed up bread with dinner for them damn cookies. - Starmama
The only problem I have with the Focus movie is, according to the ads, the guy makes hella money in part by identity fraud, a crime I find despicable. I'm supposed to root for him?
In bed, streaming the Warriors game. Then maybe I'll read. Living it up, living it up, oh yeah. Friday nite.
Thank you real life for getting me out the house today & keeping me busy. Thank you internet for making me LOL & thank you Warriors for playing a good game even in defeat. Night y'all, lets all laugh together tomorrow, too.
My jeans are literally falling off my hips and even my leggings have gotten loose.
Stress diet. I do not recommend. - Starmama
Sorry, boo. The stress and depression diets are terrible. :( - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Our neighborhood branches are closed on Mondays, but the main library happens to be halfway between the courthouse and where I'd parked. So I got to check out books today! A Monday!
(Empire of Sin: A Story of Sex, Jazz, Murder, and the Battle for Modern New Orleans by Gary Krist, and Land of Love and Drowning by Tiphanie Yanique) - Starmama
About to meet with the attorney and learn what happens next. Brave face on!
Good luck! - Anika
Sorry I dropped the ball on packing, but I can help in other ways if you need it. Good luck!!! - The Other Yvonne
Dangit, there's a web series based on the Detective Bosch books but I don't have Amazon whatever to watch it.
You Tube on my phone means I can watch & sing along to clips from Carmen Jones without getting out from under the covers.
Sick of remarks about getting free stuff, the phrase public assistance spoken in a certain tone, assumptions being made about freeloading. In situations where I'm obliged to remain pleasant and businesslike. I tell people Fuck You, in my head, constantly.
Like, I don't get a damn thing for free. Not even J's MediCal. - Starmama
Like, what were you doing in 1984? 1995? 2001? Because I was working 40+ hours a week for decades, bitch. - Starmama
The dilemma becomes, do I pay $25 to apply for this apartment when I'm 99% sure this mufu would never rent to me. - Starmama
Anything can happen in a 4th quarter, but right now Warriors are whupping on Spurs. The Spurs! This game is great.
Got an actual, official, filed with the court eviction notice today. Finally! Something I can respond to! I was quite pleased to see several errors (lies), which I hope will work to my favor. Off to the courthouse in the morning...
Good luck, Mandy! *hugs* - Anne Bouey
That is definitely some great advice. - Corinne L
From Sunday. Corinne, Vicster, and Mariella with the adorable photobomb.
That was an awesome weekend. Did you ever hear back from the person who got your text instead of me? :-D - Corinne L
No, I texted "sorry wrong number" so hopefully nobody got in trouble :) - Starmama
Wish there was a way to spoil TV shows for people in other time zones, but we'll never catch up to them!!!
In the mood for revenge. - Starmama
lol Jim Cantore.