Sick of remarks about getting free stuff, the phrase public assistance spoken in a certain tone, assumptions being made about freeloading. In situations where I'm obliged to remain pleasant and businesslike. I tell people Fuck You, in my head, constantly.
Feb 21, 2015
Anne Bouey,
April Russo (FForever!),
Victor Ganata,
AHnix (Anna Haro),
Mrs. Alix May,
Jenny H.,
Kirsten loves you,
Greg GuitarBuster,
Steven Perez,
Jennifer Dittrich
liked this
Like, I don't get a damn thing for free. Not even J's MediCal.
- Starmama
Like, what were you doing in 1984? 1995? 2001? Because I was working 40+ hours a week for decades, bitch.
- Starmama
The dilemma becomes, do I pay $25 to apply for this apartment when I'm 99% sure this mufu would never rent to me.
- Starmama