Got an actual, official, filed with the court eviction notice today. Finally! Something I can respond to! I was quite pleased to see several errors (lies), which I hope will work to my favor. Off to the courthouse in the morning...
Good luck, Mandy! *hugs* - Anne Bouey
Give 'em hell. *hugs* - Jennifer Dittrich
All the best with everything ((hugs)) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Go get em girl. - Corinne L
Good luck! - Brent Schaus
Go get 'em, tiger! - Melly #FForever
*Crosses fingers* - Kirsten loves you
Good luck! - Ruth Kneale
Filed the answer at the courthouse, met with a clerk at a community law center. My income is higher than their scale for free assistance, but because the court granted me a fee waiver, they're gonna help anyway. Whew. Meeting with the attorney Monday. Best piece of advice I got today: "Now you can go home, rest up, and not think about this until Monday morning". Yes ma'am! - Starmama
That is definitely some great advice. - Corinne L