I'm taking the max dose of Zoloft and anxiety is very high still. Depression keeps whispering in my ear: "shit's too hard, just give up". My sugar's high and I keep forgetting to take my night insulin & meds. Now the smell of my sweat has me concerned about my kidneys.
Making a Dr appt soon as the phones open. - Starmama
I don't have a handle on normal regular shit and with the trying to pack, find a home, deal with court shit on top of everything I feel like a walking panic attack 24-7. - Starmama
((hugs)) Good on you for making that call. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Yeah the guy suing me and the courts won't put everything on hold if I'm hospitalized, I'm sure. Need labs ASAP. - Starmama
Says so much about your strength that you can have that attitude and keep going. You can do this, and, in the end, you will be awesome and they will be dust. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Thank you for that, dear Higlet. - Starmama
hugs to you mama. you can take care of all this mess when you take care of yourself. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
**hugs** I hope you get some respite soon. - Jennifer Dittrich
Can you set a special alarm on your phone to remind you to take your nighttime meds & insulin? Maybe two, in case you try to blow off the first one? Big hugs to you as you deal with all the drama. - Corinne L
**hugs** and *fingers crossed* - Kirsten loves you
hugs and prayers and positive thoughts. - Friar Will
Appt tomorrow afternoon. I forget how long it's been but I hope I can get another steroid shot cos the shoulder pain's coming back. - Starmama
*hugs* - bentley
*hugs* - Stephen Mack
Hang in there, and lots of hugs. - laura x
*hugs* - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
Perhaps you might want to consider yoga style full body relaxation techniques and some mind clearing meditation for about 20 minutes, about twice a day. It could help calm you down and help you relax, reduce some of the anxiety, which would also help with your blood sugar. I don't think I could have made it through the whole mess we went through 2 years ago without it. I probably would have died from a heart attack or stroke. (it also helps with pain management and insomnia) - April Russo (FForever!)
(((Starmama))) - Jenny H.