: I cannot find a way to write a post on mobile. And having to copy, paste, and go to a whole other website doesn't make for an enjoyable experience, half of what I'm trying to figure out still doesn't make sense after translation.
It's a new service and he's still working out the kinks. I can't upload a photo. - Greg GuitarBuster
Yeah. I'm just glad mostly everyone's there. But I will miss the convenience and the glitch-free consistency of ffhound. Very, very much. - Starmama
I think I meant constancy up there. - Starmama
Dammit too early to look shit up. Lemme go fresh up my coffee. - Starmama
I've tried to post from mobile and it worked. Which problem do you have? - Pea Bukowski
there is no way to upload photos because it does not have this feature. all photos must be hosted somewhere (pinterest, tumblr) and direct-linked - Lucretia, my reflection ൠ
It's an alpha version, most of the improvements will be implemented in the future. For any question, bug reports and suggestions refer here or . In any case, you should be allowed to post from your mobile device - Daffery
Did not see a field or anything to click on to post - Starmama
Never mind. I was trying to do it from my profile page. Have to go to somewhere else. Changed my bookmark :-) - Starmama
come to we are all there - Cihanyus®
Please read this... "do not shut down the Friend Feed" … @MarkZuckerbergF #markzuckerberg - Emrah