You can #askmeanything you'd like
How did you discover FF? - Ell Bee, See?
I'd say, outta all I love about Oakland, Lake Merritt has got to be the best. Something for everyone and it's beautiful, right there in the middle of our Town. But Oakland's diversity - not just different kinds of people living in the same place, but everyone interacting and (mostly) getting each other, & getting along - is close, if not a tie. - Starmama
What was your favorite subject in school? - Spidra Webster
I don't know if I could last through a whole concert these days, but I'd love to see Prince again. Only saw him live once, in 1984. - Starmama
I was without internet access for 6 years. The minute I got a dumbphone with mobile internet I got on Twitter. Followed Monique & Nakachi, my blogging homies from the early days. Just had to check out this Friendfeed thing they kept tweeting about. & here I still am! - Starmama
My favorite subject was any music class. Also history. I was best at English, even seriously considered getting a teaching degree at one point. - Starmama
Last time you laughed your ass off? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Most transformative relationship/friendship of your life? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Have you always liked basketball? - vicster.
I don't even know my last good laugh. Probably happened watching Fresh Off the Boat, that shit's hella funny. - Starmama
I'd say my late best friend Samantha was my most transformative relationship, but there are many other people who've helped shape me & my life, in ways big and small. - Starmama
Zero health problems. What favorite foods & drinks would you consume on the regular? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I've liked basketball at least since I was 6, the age I first remember listening with my daddy to Warriors games on the radio while we did outside chores. I played basketball in jr high & high school. I love the action, the athleticism and the intelligence of the game. - Starmama
I'm a food addict. So that would be, ALL THE FOODS EVERYWHERE. - Starmama
A sweet childhood memory? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Where did you acquire the "Starmama" moniker? - Ell Bee, See?
My family listened to a big band/jazz station called KMPX (Kind Memories, Pleasant eXperiences). My mom won tickets to the SF premiere of Movie Movie. She hyped it up like we were going to the Oscars or something, and we all got dressed up and caught BART to the City and I'd never seen a movie screen so big. We were fancy. I've always wished we'd taken pictures that day. - Starmama
Sometimes I called myself Star when I was a teenager, it fit me because I'd always thought I'd grow up to be some kinda superstar. lol. And Prince's Baby I'm a Star became one of my theme songs. When I first got on the internet & signed up for Yahoo mail, I was pregnant with Jayden, so Starmama seemed to fit. Someone already had it on Yahoo, so since I was about to turn 30, I put that 30 on the end. And I still use that email :-) - Starmama
Oh, and that memory is so sweet to me because it was a year after my parents had split up, but we still went the four of us as a family and it helped me & my brother see that we were gonna be okay with the separation thing. - Starmama
What's something people would be surprised to know about you? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Will you marry me? - Melly #FForever
Which do you think will get you first, instant karma or the rhythm? - Corinne L
are you a raiders fan? - chaz2b
Anna: I'm an open book. I don't know if I have any surprises! - Starmama
Melly: of course. Talk to Josh. - Starmama
Corinne: the rhythm always gets me. (even tho I dig Lennon/the Beatles way more than Miami Sound Machine) - Starmama
Chaz: I was, in the 70s when they were winners and we went to games with my dad. Then they left & became the LA Traitors. The last football game I cared about was the Oakland High homecoming game 1983. lol. Don't enjoy football anymore, it's too brutal. - Starmama
Top 3 travel/vacation destinations? Why? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Your body is painless and problem free. What activity or sport would you either get back into or be interested in trying/starting? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Chincoteague Island, because ponies, and it's beautiful there. Petra, Jordan, because I've gotta see it in person. And I'd love to take a cruise, but I don't want to see hot Caribbean beaches, I want to go up the west coast to Alaska & see glaciers and see landscapes not filled with tourists in bikinis :-) - Starmama
I'd probably get into volleyball again, I was good at it and as much as I love basketball, volleyball was always more fun to actually play, for me. I'd also like to try yoga. - Starmama
Okay, I thought of something that might surprise some folx: I used be an MC, rapping at parties and open mic nights. In the early 80s there were only a couple female MCs way out there on the East Coast scene, and no white people. I was a novelty, and pretty good, but by 17 I had to support myself so rent and a job became more important than trying to find a way to get parties or make a demo so my hip hop career never got off the ground. - Starmama
I am not surprised. I bet you were good. - MoTO Boychick Devil
See! I knew it. You're way too smart and cool to not have had some really interesting experiences/stories. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
*blush* - Starmama
:-D - Starmama
Also, I'm not surprised at all. I guess I should have tweaked the question a bit to a fact, talent, or experience we probably wouldn't know about you. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Best compliment ever received? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
A community college English teacher wrote on one of my papers, "you are a writer!" and on another, compared my writing with Doris Lessing's. That was good for my ego :-) - Starmama
Song that makes you feel like the sexiest, baddest bitch ever? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
This one. Can't help but strut like a model when it comes on :-) - Starmama