
like sugar.
Wish there was a way to spoil TV shows for people in other time zones, but we'll never catch up to them!!!
In the mood for revenge. - Starmama
lol Jim Cantore.
Talenti was on sale so I finally tried it. Yummy, but the packaging is disconcerting. Every time I open the freezer my brain is all, "why is a jar of hair grease in here!"
But I must say, a screw top is the best thing ever for me because I only eat ice cream a couple spoonfuls at a time and it's nice to have a lid that doesn't get warped n loose. - Starmama
It looks exactly like those old school jars of bergamot, etc, grease. Or the curl activator gel I used to use in Jayden's hair. I thought posting about it here would stop that nanosecond of WTF when I open the freezer. Nope. Brain still doing it. - Starmama
They're not allowed on my bed. Do they look guilty? I don't think they're feeling any guilt at all.
x__x. <3 - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I'm only just now starting Empire because I ain't had time. My god this shit is brilliant.
Right? I go into everything with super low expectations because...experience. So, needless to say, I was mucho pleased. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I haven't seen it yet. I'll be on Hulu tomorrow. - Eric @ CS Techcast
So far this morning I have done NOTHING for Jayden outside of reminders/prompts. He actually got up on his own with the alarm, and I told him he had to get his own clothes together and figure out breakfast on his own. He thinks I'm being cruel but I say he's a lazyass whiner who will soon be an independent winner.
(actually said that phrase to him, thought I was clever but he was too pissed to appreciate it). - Starmama
Haha he's all ready with like 20 mins downtime before his ride gets here. I said, don't you feel accomplished, confident, doing everything yourself? He was all, "I guess." He's 17, that's a good enough answer for me :-) - Starmama
Started the day feeling wiped out. Going to the wash house drained me. But thanks to my new shoes, exactly 0% of my discomfort has to do with my feet or, even better, my varicose veins.
and speaking of my poor veins...the regular use of naproxen for my shoulder seems to be helping them, it's the only change I can think of. the knotty ropey ones that hurt are nowhere to be seen these last several weeks. not much swelling in my legs period. it's a very real relief. - Starmama
I've been in love with Prince since like 1979. Back then he was rocking that fluffy blowout natural. Just adorable. These days, in middle age, I'm loving his afro, and I think he looks better than ever. Love seeing the pix from last nite. He's still so pretty!
You and my friend Robin could talk forever about Prince! =) - The Other Yvonne
"Will you accept my tears to pay the fare?" - MoTO Boychick Devil
Sly and the Family Stone Day in Oakland, CA
Skechers Outlet BOGO. Bought Jayden a pair of name brand shoes for the first time in 12 years. They're fly & he loves them. And I got a pair of the Go Walk shoes for myself. Together both pairs came to less than the price I paid for my plain Go Walks from Nordstrom Rack. ++++
One of my all time favorite things to watch. I think I'll share it every time I watch a Wes Anderson film The Symmetry of Wes Anderson:
The consensus among most of my friends is, they love their kids more than I love my kid, because they would have already taken the dogs to a shelter and gotten an apt. I'm stupid for choosing dogs over my son.
Thing is, nobody understands the disappointment I have as a mother. Jayden is going nowhere fast and I don't know if there's ever going to be something I can take pride in that isn't a milestone he should've hit by 11. I get far more joy, comfort, and companionship from the dogs than I do from my kid. So if I do throw my dogs away? I'd be getting rid of the only good part of my life. - Starmama
MC said what I was thinking. *hugs* - vicster.
Today is the day the new owner told me that he wants to move into our unit. He never gave me anything in writing like I've asked him several times. I don't even know the man's last name. He came by the other day talking about his family is moving out of their apartment and they need us gone.
I don't know if it's the language barrier or if he's on some macho shit, but when I try to talk to him he ends up walking away saying "I can't talk to you" motherfucker you not even trying. - Starmama
jajaja - Starmama
Sometimes I turn on the Super Bowl to try to catch some ads, although I haven't cared as much about them in recent years. Sometimes I turn it on near the end just to see who wins. That's how I caught Richard Sherman's comments last year. The lack of basketball on TV on Super Bowl Sunday means it's mostly the Puppy Bowl that gets watched over here.
I suppose I could watch Lakers/Knicks while I do some packing... - Starmama
I'm not a football fan, so unless I get invited to a party, I don't make an effort to watch. - Corinne L
Ha people stopped inviting me to Super Bowl or boxing match parties years ago. I'm good. Call me when you host an NBA All-Star or finals party :-) - Starmama
^this, but with baseball games. :-) - Corinne L
I found a strain of weed that is cultivated for CBD (cannabinoids) over THC. It doesn't get me high but it helps with the pain, most especially the nerve pain in my abdomen area and also seems to ease the shoulder pain.
This strain is less than half the $$ of regular weed and by my clumsy calculations, looks like a month's worth would cost just a bit more than a big bottle of name brand Tylenol or Motrin, which are harsh on my renal system. - Starmama
I found CBD chocolate bars and a no-added-sugar CBD carrot cake. I might try the chocolate. And the place that has it is just around a few corners from here. All this time I been driving past the place didn't know it was there. - Starmama
A couple mornings a week I let Jayden skip his shower & wake him up at 6:30 instead of 6. I really enjoy that extra half hour. Ten minutes left & I'm not ready to get him up yet...because aaahh, peace.
Kay Thompson Da Gawd.
Remember the dog I told y'all my friend adopted, with three legs, crooked tail, and heterochromia? He's got a Facebook page :-)
Check out the drawing her daughter did. She's 17 and an incredibly talented artist. - Starmama
Overheard Jayden talking to his friend about other players in their game: "I don't know who that other guy is. Or girl. Or transgender."
:) - Jenny H.
Except when I lived in a studio, I've never had a TV in my bedroom. The sloth enabled by streaming shows & games & movies while in my bed is why. This is ridiculous. And comfy.
My bedroom TV broke a year ago. We haven't replaced it, but I keep seeing these tiny nightstand projectors on my dramas and I want to get one. I could watch my movies & shows flat on my back. - Anika
I don't like it because sleep hygiene. But then sometimes I'll watch a movie on my laptop or even iphone so me = hypocrite. - Laura Norvig
For Homeless Women, Getting Their Period Is One Of The Most Difficult Challenges
Homeless women typically know where to find a safe place to sleep or a hot meal to eat. But when it comes to taking care of their feminine hygiene needs, they often have nowhere to turn. Tampons and sanitary pads usually top the list of needs at shelters, since they’re pricey and supporters don't often donate them. - Starmama
It's one of the things I try to remember to donate. - Jennifer Dittrich
Just wrote myself a reminder for next donation. Also, feel like a bit of a dumb a-hole for not thinking of this during prior donations. :/ - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I think I packed the paperwork for the laptop. So I don't know what to do. When I shut it off I noticed later the power light was still on but the screen was dark. Pushed the power button and it started to come on but only as far as a dark screen with the cursor. I can move the cursor but keyboard doesn't work. What can I do?
It's a Dell - Starmama
Usually that's due to an incorrect sleep cycle. The computer shut down weird. On our Dell, if I press & hold the power button, it usually cycles through and reboots properly. - Anika
I was all "hmph I already tried that" but I did it again and I guess I didn't hold the button down long enough before :-) thanks Anika! - Starmama
Yeah, I should've mentioned you have to hold it down for way too long. It's a Dell after all. - Anika
She wrote, incredulous and overjoyed. - Starmama
My friend who took Daisy has an upstairs neighbor who's living there on false pretenses under her mother's section 8. The owner has conflict with her, the other tenants don't like her. Andrea thinks she will be put out soon and is telling the owner wonderful things about me :-)
It's walking distance to Angie's house, and the elementary me Angie & Andrea all went to in kindergarten & 1st grade - Starmama
!!! *positive path vibes* - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Showtime free preview that I just found out about has the whole season of Penny Dreadful & I don't have time to sit & watch the whole thing...
Deleted that damn Sims game & now I have room for all my apps again. Nice. Kinda missing my families tho. lol
Let's have a moment of silence. =) - The Other Yvonne
RIP - Starmama
Woke up treating my arm as gingerly as ever. Did a few things around the house & realized it wasn't hurting. Tried moving my arm, and I can raise it a couple inches and also reach out away from my body. - Starmama
Only if the van is growing hair on the roof and the paint is cracking. If the roofline is jutting out in the front, it's also a sign that the roids are working. - Todd
We've been in this apartment longer than I've ever lived anywhere else. That's a trip.
Even as a kid the longest we were at one address was 5 years. - Starmama
Packed up the bookshelves, and the towering pile of books in my room. Took them & some other stuff to the storage space; my neighbor's boyfriend helped. He asked me "who packed this up? You?" which I thought was kinda odd.
Then at the storage, I was showing him where to put the books, and where to put the fragile boxes, and told him a lil bit about how I plan on filling up the storage - Starmama
Yay! So glad you're making progress! - The Other Yvonne
Womack & Womack - Baby I'm Scared of You:
All these kids on the block I've watched grow up, some I've known their entire lives, I'm really going to miss saying Good Morning as they walk to school or the bus stop.
Jayden can talk for quite a long time about the art and design of Batman Beyond. I don't mind because unlike topics such as Pokemon or Dragonball, I understand what he's saying.
Batman Beyond is a favorite of mine! Good choice!! - Harold Cabezas
Nice!! - Harold Cabezas